Categories (4)

Duck ID

Your Duck ID is your primary account for technology access on campus.


Articles on how to update and change directory entries.

Identity Management

Articles on Identity Management.

Duo (Two-Step Login)

Articles about the two-step login service, also known as Duo or two-factor authentication.

Articles (8)

Pinned Article UO Accounts: Duck ID and UO ID Number

You have two usernames at UO: your Duck ID (beginning of your UO email address) and your UO ID (95#).

Employee Off-boarding Checklist

A collection of the commonly-used tools and services that require interaction from departments when off-boarding an employee.

Guest Access to UO Technology

This article is a guide to guest or visitor access to UO technology resources.

How to approve a Cognos/IDR access request

Instructions for IDR security officers on approving requested data access.

How to Approve an Access Request

Information on how to approve a Business Application Access Request.

How to obtain or reset your PAC for DuckWeb

Instructions on getting help with your personal access code (PAC) for DuckWeb.

How to take an Identity Selfie

Instructions for taking a selfie to confirm your identity

Services After You Graduate

After graduation, students can still access UO technology services for a limited time. This page provides information about what is available to them and for how long.