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This article is designed to guide instructors to support documentation for various software services that can be used for remote instruction and collaboration.
Information on adding and sharing Outlook calendars.
Instructions for authorizing users to manage recordings and using the recording management options in Teams settings
Are there resources where I can learn about SharePoint at my own pace?
This article contains eLearning links for Office 365 - Forms. The links will take to you to the LinkedIn Learning, managed by Human Resources. If you are prompted for a username and password, please use your Duck ID and Password to login.

Please note: The following links are only available to UO faculty and staff.
This article contains eLearning links for Office 365 - PowerPoint Online. The links will take to you LinkedIn Learning, managed by Human Resources. If you are prompted for a username and password, please use your Duck ID and Password to login.

Please note: The following links are only available to UO faculty and staff.
This article contains eLearning links for Office 365 - OneDrive for Business. The links will take to you to LinkedIn Learning, managed by Human Resources. If you are prompted for a username and password, please use your Duck ID and Password to login.

Please note: The following links are only available to UO faculty and staff.
This article contains eLearning links for Office 365 - Word Online. The links will take you to the University of Oregon’s eLearning site, LinkedIn Learning. If you are prompted for a username and password, please use your Duck ID and password to log in.

Note: The following links are only available to UO faculty and staff.
This article contains eLearning links for Office 365 - OneNote Online. The links will take to you to LinkedIn Learning, managed by Human Resources. If you are prompted for a username and password, please use your Duck ID and Password to login.

Please note: The following links are only available to UO faculty and staff.
This article contains eLearning links for Office 365 - Excel Online. The links will take to you to LinkedIn Learning, managed by Human Resources. If you are prompted for a username and password, please use your Duck ID and Password to login.

Please note: The following links are only available to UO faculty and staff.
This article contains eLearning links for Office 365 - Sway. The links will take to you to LinkedIn Learning, managed by Human Resources. If you are prompted for a username and password, please use your Duck ID and Password to login.

Please note: The following links are only available to UO faculty and staff.
Learn about using Outlook on the web for UOmail, and choosing between that and the Outlook application for your device or computer.
This article explains how to download, install and set up Microsoft Teams in Windows 10.
How to allow non-UO form respondents to fill out a Microsoft Form.
Learn how to set office hours using Microsoft Bookings.