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How to share files in OneDrive online.
This page includes a table that describes the features of collaboration tools available to UO affiliates.
Information about team collaboration through OneDrive.
How can I see past versions of a file in OneDrive?
How to share files and folders through OneDrive in Windows.
This article contains eLearning links for Office 365 - OneDrive for Business. The links will take to you to LinkedIn Learning, managed by Human Resources. If you are prompted for a username and password, please use your Duck ID and Password to login.

Please note: The following links are only available to UO faculty and staff.
Learn about alternatives to fax services and how to choose the option that best meet your needs.
This page explains why UO recommends replacing existing analog fax lines with alternative services.
Relocating data between sites (OneDrive or SharePoint) can be accomplished using either the Move or the Copy command within the Microsoft Tools or Sync using the OneDrive Client.
Setting up your computer to use OneDrive to automatically synchronize files from a SharePoint site.
This article will guide you through presenting PowerPoint presentation files using Microsoft Teams. Files need to be saved in OneDrive or SharePoint and you must have the latest version of Microsoft Teams.
You can restore your OneDrive to a previous backup by clicking the gear icon and selecting Restore your OneDrive.
How to share files and folders in OneDrive with iOS.
How to share files and folders in OneDrive through Android devices.
This article details how users can review the sharing permissions for their files in OneDrive and SharePoint.