Duo tips


Optimize your Duo experience with these tips:


Switch between Duo methods while logging in

If your normal method isn't available or working, select the Other options link to change methods on the fly.

Example: Maybe your Push notification didn't show up this time, but you could still receive a PIN via text message to finish logging in.

An image of the Duo Universal Prompt. The Other Options link near the bottom of the image has an arrow pointing to it.

Duo less often with Remember Me

When using your own device, this handy feature lets you verify with Duo just once per week for most UO services (per browser or app, per device).

  • Just select the Yes, this is my device button on the Duo prompt.
  • If you select No, other people use this device button, Duo will not remember the device for 14 days.

On public computers, be sure to select No, other people use this device to prevent other people from accessing your account!

For more information, please consult the Remember me with Duo Universal Prompt article.

Disaster-proof with codes from the app

Make sure you'll be able to log in if your phone dies or gets lost. We recommend planning ahead by stockpiling some passcodes.

  • Use the Duo Mobile app to generate a few passcodes. Write the codes on a piece of paper and store it securely.
  • When needed, you can use the codes at the Duo prompt in the order generated.
Please Note: Users who were previously involved in a technology security incident (such as clicking on a phishing email) may not have the ability to store passcodes for later use. For more information, please see the section "How to Generate Duo Mobile Passcodes" at Passcodes with the Duo Mobile app.

If your primary method is a biometric one, register a second method

When you register a biometric or platform-specific method with Duo, you can only log in to UO services on that specific device with that method.

Sometimes this is easist to explain with an example: If you register Touch ID or Windows Hello on your laptop, you can only approve logins to critical services like UOmail and Canvas when logging into them on your laptop itself. You won't be able to check UOmail from your smartphone, and if you find yourself needing to use a different computer-- like in a campus lab setting-- you won't be able approve your logins there either!

We recommend registering at least one additional type of method in order to make sure you can always log in. Other types of methods available include:

Other resources:

Think twice before you approve a login attempt

If you get a Duo Verified Push notification or phone call when you're not logging in to a UO service, that means someone else is trying to log in with your Duck ID and password.

  • Stop unauthorized use of your account by tapping the I'm not logging in button in the Duo Mobile app or 9 on a phone call.
  • Then confirm the login was suspicious to alert UO staff.

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