Categories (7)

College of Arts and Sciences Labs

Articles about the various computer lab spaces available throughout the College of Arts and Sciences.

College of Design Labs

Articles about the various computer lab spaces available throughout the College of Design.

Lundquist College of Business Labs

Articles pertaining to labs located within the Lundquist College of Business (LCB).

School of Journalism and Communication Labs

Articles about the various computer lab spaces available throughout the School of Journalism and Communication (SOJC).

School of Music and Dance Labs

Articles pertaining to labs located within the School of Music and Dance (SOMD)

Psychology Labs

Articles pertaining to the Psychology Department's lab spaces.

UO Portland Labs

Articles pertaining to the labs located at UO Portland campus and related buildings.

Articles (7)

Clark Honors College - Chapman Print Station

The computers in Chapman Hall 305 is intended for students within the Clark Honors College to print.

DOS - Center for Student Involvement Lab

The Center for Student Involvement Lab, located in EMU 213, is intended for students within UO Affiliated Clubs to enable club activities.

DOS - Multicultural Center Lab

The Multicultural Center Lab, in EMU 109, is designed for MCC students, however is accessible for all students to use.

DOS - Women's Center Lab

The Women's Center is a safe and affirming environment for people of all genders at the University of Oregon. Their computer lab is accessible for all students with free printing of up to five pages a day.

TRIO - Oregon Hall Computer Lab

The TRIO Computer Lab, in Oregon Hall 156, is part of their program that is designed for students whose socioeconomic backgrounds, educational records, and personal situations suggest they may experience challenges at the UO. The computer lab is exclusively available to students within the TRIO program, which can be applied to on their website.

UO Online - Knight Library 030 and 032

Information on UO Online testing labs.