Housing IT Services


General info about Housing IT services.


Device Support

User Account Services

Communication Services

 Access Controls Services

  • Building Access Support
    • Request building access for daily use, events, or report an issue with building access.
  • KeyWatcher Support
    • Request KeyWatcher access or specific keys for use. Report an issue with a KeyWatcher device.
  • Video/Door Log Request
    • Housing Administrators can request logs on specific doors or cameras.

 Other Services

Contact Information

  • Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
  • Phone: 541-346-4223
  • In Person: Bean Hall, room 1029
  • Emergency after-hours contact information: Call 541-346-4236 to leave a message for a Housing IT employee in the event of a business emergency. Please leave your name, call back phone number, and a description of the problem.



Article ID: 74990
Wed 4/3/19 5:30 PM
Tue 5/7/24 2:15 PM