Wired Networking Support

Use this service to request assistance with wired networking (also known as Ethernet). You can request help with the following and you can still submit a ticket if your issue isn't listed:

  • Activate a network jack 
  • Move an active network connection to a different jack
  • Renumber a networked device
  • Problem with existing network
  • Network support in Residence Buildings (UO owned dorms and apartments, including Spencer View, Grad Village, Agate Apts etc.)

If you are a Student in a Residence Hall, or University Apartment (including PDX), please use the Residential Network Hall Service Support.

To report an outage, please use this Service Outage form.

*Network down emergency: A network problem affecting multiple campus users and/or portions of a building or larger.

For wired network requests for printers and/or copiers, visit the Office/Departmental Printing service.

How to Create a Ticket

To request support click Request Help (top right of the page) and provide the following information:

  • Title--short 2-3 word description of the request
  • Your affiliation (faculty/staff, student, or IT Staff)
  • The building where you want the networking
    • If you are requesting service in a new building that does not yet show up on the list, please select another building and be sure to note that in the comments field.
To activate a network jack
  • Charging index
  • IP address of space
  • Building and room
  • Jack number
To move a network jack
  • Charging index
  • Jack number that is being moved
  • Room of the new jack
  • New jack number
To renumber a network device
  • Ethernet/Mac address
  • Desired host name
  • Building and room
Problem with existing network
  • Building and room
  • Jack number
  • Ethernet/Mac address
  • Is the networking working for others around you?
  • Last time the network worked.

Availability and Access

Current UO affiliation

Network and phone wiring installation services allows UO faculty and staff to request that wiring for the wired network (i.e. Ethernet) and/or phone services be installed and provisioned where there is none available. A representative from the Information Service's wiring team will contact customers to schedule an on-site visit and provide a quote for the installation.

Maintenance for wired network typically occurs Mondays at 3:30-7am and Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 5am-7am. See Network maintenance windows at UO Service Status page..

Phone and network wiring installation requests will be reviewed and customers will be provided a quote for one-time costs.

Network jack services:

  • Ethernet jack activation: $150 (one time)
  • Move an Ethernet jack: $50


If you have any additional questions view the Contact Technology Help page.


ethernet, wired jack

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This standard outlines the requirements for the University of Oregon community to connect to the university's network.


Service ID: 19861
Wed 5/17/17 7:14 PM
Tue 5/14/24 3:03 PM

Service Offerings (2)

Wired Networking Support Request
Use this service to request assistance with wired networking (also known as Ethernet). ... Use this service to request assistance with wired networking (also known as Ethernet). You can request help with the following and you can still submit a ticket if your issue isn't listed
Residential Network Service Support
For Residence Halls & University Apartment residents to request help registering devices to connect to the university Residential Network.