DuckDocs (OnBase) End-User Training Materials


DuckDocs (also called OnBase) is the enterprise document management system for digitization of files and automation of business workflows at the University of Oregon. DuckDocs can greatly enhance efficiency of your business processes, but it is also helpful to get acquainted with how DuckDocs works. Below are links to various knowledge base articles designed to orient new users to the DuckDocs service.

Basic DuckDocs Terms


Documents are individual digital files that contain information.

  • Documents can represent a wide range of content, including text-based reports, scanned images, electronic forms, multimedia files, and more.
  • For example, a document might be a single invoice or expense report stored in OnBase.

Document Type

Document Types categorize documents based on their content, purpose, or function.

  • Documents of the same type share similar characteristics and keywords.
  • For example, you might have Document Types like "Purchase Order," "Expense Report," or "Employee Onboarding Form." Individual documents would fall under one of such types.

Document Type Group

Document Type Groups are collections of Document Types.

  • Document Type Groups generally categorize Document Types according to their department within the university.
  • For example, within a Document Type Group named "Human Resources," you might have individual Document Types such as "Employee Contracts," "Performance Reviews, and Time Sheets".

Keyword Type

Keyword Types are categories of data associated with documents.

  • Keyword Types are used in document retrieval, creation of reports, and in workflow and forms logic.
  • Documents in OnBase are searchable based on Keyword values.
  • For example, Keyword Types within a particular document could include "First Name", "UO ID", and "Reason for Request"

DuckDocs Core Functionality How-Tos

Access and Installation

  1. How to get or update DuckDocs (OnBase) access
    How to get access to DuckDocs
  2. DuckDocs (OnBase) Department Administrator List
    A list of support and training contacts for DuckDocs OnBase
  3. Installing the Latest Version of the DuckDocs (OnBase) Unity Client for Windows
    The Unity Client is an OnBase client that can be installed on a Windows computer and includes some features not available in the OnBase Web Client including Batch Scanning.
  4. Feature Overview of DuckDocs (OnBase) Clients
    An overview of the features that can be found in different DuckDocs (OnBase) applications (also called clients).

Document Storage and Retrieval

  1. Retrieving files in DuckDocs (OnBase)
    How to retrieve files from OnBase by retrieval and custom query searches.
  2. Scanning into DuckDocs (OnBase) using Unity
    Overview of the basic scanning procedure for single files into OnBase using the Unity desktop client.
  3. Using Ad-Hoc Tasks to Approve a Document in DuckDocs (OnBase)
    How to use ad-hoc tasks to review and approve a document in DuckDocs (OnBase).
  4. Adding Notes to Documents in DuckDocs (OnBase)
    How to add, modify, and delete document notes in DuckDocs (OnBase).​​​​​​

You can find a list of all user training DuckDocs articles by exploring the duckdocs-user-training tag in the service portal knowledge base.

DuckDocs Support Resources

There are a number of resources available to support DuckDocs users, including:

Create a Ticket Print Article

Related Articles (9)

A list of support and training contacts for DuckDocs OnBase
How to add, modify, and delete document notes in DuckDocs (OnBase).
This article provides an overview of the features that can be found in different DuckDocs (OnBase) clients.
A collection of resources to get acquainted with the features and processes associated with DuckDocs.
Content for Department Administrators of DuckDocs (OnBase)
How to get access to DuckDocs
How to retrieve files from OnBase by retrieval and custom query searches.
Overview of the basic scanning procedure for single files into OnBase using the Unity desktop client.
How to use ad-hoc tasks to review and approve a document in DuckDocs (OnBase).

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Use this service to request support for the DuckDocs (OnBase) enterprise content management system.