Knowledge Base Article Requirements Rubric

Tags kba


This article is designed to act as a rubric for quick reference for any UO Service Portal content creators and authors and is derived from the Knowledge Management Style Guide.

List of criteria

Below are the list of 13 criteria and their fulfillment standards used by Knowledge Management Support to ensure that all articles are compliant with the style guide and associated standards. For any questions, please reach out to Knowledge Management Support or select the Create a Ticket button on this page.

Criterion Fulfillment Standards
Alignment with the UO Service Portal service catalog
  • Is this article for our customers?
    • If yes:
      • Is it general content for everyone?
        • The article should have Public view (default; see the Permissions tab for the article
      • Is it UO-focused content (i.e., security guidelines, recommendations, etc.)?
        • The article should not have Public view:
          1. Go to the article's Permissions tab
          2. Deselect the Public checkbox,
          3. Then select Save.
    • If no,
      • It is for internal-use only and may need to reside in Confluence, SharePoint, or a file share.
Article sections are clearly defined using web headings
  • Proper web headings are used to separate sections
    • Purpose or Overview (Heading 2)
    • Main content headings (Heading 2)
    • Content sub-headings (Heading 3-7)
  • Headings are used in sequence:
    • Heading 2 leads to Heading 3 leads to Heading 4
    • Not: Heading 2 to Heading 4
Please Note: Heading 1 is already used for the article's title heading. Do not use it within the article.
The article contains a Purpose or Overview section
  • Clear article summary
    • Brief description of the article's contents
  • Its intended audience
  • Any access prerequisites including:
    • Software installation
    • Account access
    • Knowledge requirements
The article is properly tagged
  • Ensure there is a tag for the specific audience of the article (i.e., students, faculty, staff, retired, courtesy, etc.)
    1. Go to the article's Settings tab,
    2. Enter the appropriate tag(s)
    3. Then Save.
Content is clear to understand, free of misspellings, and grammatically correct
Links to additional content are connected
  • Internal and external links need to be descriptive using the article's title (do not copy-paste the URL)
  • Links may be within either a separate section or in-line with the content
The article is related to other articles (and services) Related articles and services are located toward the lower-right corner within the article's desktop view.

To add an related article or service:

  1. Go to the article's Related Article (or Related Service) tab,
  2. Enter the name of the article (or service)
  3. Select Save to finish the relation. 
Article Note: Articles must be in Approved status to relate them to other articles.
Service Note: Service request forms can be activated. Ensure the Display Request Service Button option is set to Yes.
The correct article template is being used Choose a Structure template from the Templates drop-down menu (if needed)
  • Question/Solution
  • FAQ
  • Getting Started
  • Issue/Cause/Resolution
  • Process/Procedure
The text is in the correct formats
  1. Bold for words in a link or button (with exact text referenced; no quotation marks)
  2. Italics for emphasizing words (no quotation marks)
  3. Hyperlinked text is descriptive (e.g., not click here or a URL, but the university's homepage)
  4. Anchors and tags need to use tag notation (e.g., lowercase, multiple-words-need-hyphens-not-spaces)
  5. Use Formatted text or computer code font for any code references
  6. Use bulleted lists for unordered lists
  7. Use numbered lists for specifically ordered lists (e.g., for step-by-step guidance)
  8. Images are within the list formatting (Shift+Enter to create space to add the image)
    1. Images should be placed below the text describing it unless it is explaining an annotated image with multiple labels.
  9. File extensions properly referenced (e.g., PDF file, DOC file)
  10. One space after all punctuation, zero spaces for list items, hyphens, and ends of paragraphs
  11. Date - Month Day, Year
  12. Time - (H)H:MM (a.m./p.m.)
  13. No use of directional text (i.e., above, below, left, right, etc.) unless it is incorporated within the name of the reference or annotation.
Section-level note alerts are using the proper formatting Go to the Templates drop-down menu in the editor toolbar and select one of the following Formatting alerts.
  • Do I?
  • Note
  • Please Note
  • Success
  • Warning
Images and icons are web-accessible
  • High quality images without needing to interact with them.
    • 700 pixels width is the maximum
    • Width percentages are allowed.
  • Ensure that alt text is being used to describe the image or its conveyed meaning for web accessibility compliance
    • Keep alt text at 125 characters or fewer
  • Ensure that all semantic icons have their aria-label changed from "icon" to "your desired meaning" (Can only be done in the Source view of the article editor.)
    • For example: For a check mark icon indicating yes, change the aria-label from "icon" to "yes"
  • Annotate images if you're pointing to a specific location (e.g., when describing a process using screenshots)
Audio files are web-accessible
  • High audio fidelity and quality
  • Included with a transcript
Video files are web-accessible
  • High video resolution and quality
  • Subtitles or captioning is used to describe speech, audio/music, or instructions
Warning! Auto-generated subtitles are not in compliance

Additional Resources

For more detailed information on accessibility, please consult the Testing Walkthrough page on the Digital Accessibility @ UO website.

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This article is designed to act as an appendix to the Knowledge Base Style Guide for clarifying the spelling and usage of any commonly used terms within IT specifically and the university more generally.
The style guide for knowledge base articles within the UO Service Portal along with links to supplemental style resources used at the university.
This article is intended to provide users within the UO Service Portal that have the ability to create, edit, and publish knowledge base articles.