Alignment with the UO Service Portal service catalog |
- Is this article for our customers?
- If yes:
- Is it general content for everyone?
- The article should have Public view (default; see the Permissions tab for the article
- Is it UO-focused content (i.e., security guidelines, recommendations, etc.)?
- The article should not have Public view:
- Go to the article's Permissions tab
- Deselect the Public checkbox,
- Then select Save.
- If no,
- It is for internal-use only and may need to reside in Confluence, SharePoint, or a file share.
Article sections are clearly defined using web headings |
- Proper web headings are used to separate sections
- Purpose or Overview (Heading 2)
- Main content headings (Heading 2)
- Content sub-headings (Heading 3-7)
- Headings are used in sequence:
- Heading 2 leads to Heading 3 leads to Heading 4
- Not: Heading 2 to Heading 4
Please Note: Heading 1 is already used for the article's title heading. Do not use it within the article.
The article contains a Purpose or Overview section |
- Clear article summary
- Brief description of the article's contents
- Its intended audience
- Any access prerequisites including:
- Software installation
- Account access
- Knowledge requirements
The article is properly tagged |
- Ensure there is a tag for the specific audience of the article (i.e., students, faculty, staff, retired, courtesy, etc.)
- Go to the article's Settings tab,
- Enter the appropriate tag(s)
- Then Save.
Content is clear to understand, free of misspellings, and grammatically correct |
- Refer to the Knowledge Base Style Guide and UO Editorial Style Guide for further reference on any specifics
Links to additional content are connected |
- Internal and external links need to be descriptive using the article's title (do not copy-paste the URL)
- Links may be within either a separate section or in-line with the content
The article is related to other articles (and services) |
Related articles and services are located toward the lower-right corner within the article's desktop view.
To add an related article or service:
- Go to the article's Related Article (or Related Service) tab,
- Enter the name of the article (or service)
- Select Save to finish the relation.
Article Note: Articles must be in Approved status to relate them to other articles.
Service Note: Service request forms can be activated. Ensure the Display Request Service Button option is set to Yes.
The correct article template is being used |
Choose a Structure template from the Templates drop-down menu (if needed)
- Question/Solution
- Getting Started
- Issue/Cause/Resolution
- Process/Procedure
The text is in the correct formats |
- Bold for words in a link or button (with exact text referenced; no quotation marks)
- Italics for emphasizing words (no quotation marks)
- Hyperlinked text is descriptive (e.g., not click here or a URL, but the university's homepage)
- Anchors and tags need to use tag notation (e.g., lowercase, multiple-words-need-hyphens-not-spaces)
Use Formatted text or computer code font for any code references
- Use bulleted lists for unordered lists
- Use numbered lists for specifically ordered lists (e.g., for step-by-step guidance)
- Images are within the list formatting (Shift+Enter to create space to add the image)
- Images should be placed below the text describing it unless it is explaining an annotated image with multiple labels.
- File extensions properly referenced (e.g., PDF file, DOC file)
- One space after all punctuation, zero spaces for list items, hyphens, and ends of paragraphs
- Date - Month Day, Year
- Time - (H)H:MM (a.m./p.m.)
- No use of directional text (i.e., above, below, left, right, etc.) unless it is incorporated within the name of the reference or annotation.
Section-level note alerts are using the proper formatting |
Go to the Templates drop-down menu in the editor toolbar and select one of the following Formatting alerts.
- Do I?
- Note
- Please Note
- Success
- Warning
Images and icons are web-accessible |
- High quality images without needing to interact with them.
- 700 pixels width is the maximum
- Width percentages are allowed.
- Ensure that alt text is being used to describe the image or its conveyed meaning for web accessibility compliance
- Keep alt text at 125 characters or fewer
- Ensure that all semantic icons have their aria-label changed from "icon" to "your desired meaning" (Can only be done in the Source view of the article editor.)
- For example: For a check mark icon indicating yes, change the aria-label from "icon" to "yes"
- Annotate images if you're pointing to a specific location (e.g., when describing a process using screenshots)
Audio files are web-accessible |
- High audio fidelity and quality
- Included with a transcript
Video files are web-accessible |
- High video resolution and quality
- Subtitles or captioning is used to describe speech, audio/music, or instructions
Warning! Auto-generated subtitles are not in compliance