Using tags in the UO Service Portal


Learn how to use tags in TeamDynamix.

Why should I use tags?

Tags when added to an article, ticket, or service page will allow for anyone to find what they are looking for more effectively and to observe trends throughout the entire TeamDynamix suite of applications.

  • For customers, entering # before a keyword can allow for a tag and keyword search simultaneously
  • For technicians, adding tags to articles and tickets will allow for focused search results within the TDNext search which looks through articles, tickets, and service pages
  • For analysts, tags can be used as a method for incorporating into reports and for evaluating search engine optimization.

Some guidance on tags

When editing an entry in TeamDynamix (article, ticket, or service page), in the knowledge base, ticketing application, or service catalog, you can specify any number of tags to associate with the item by typing them into the Tags form field. As you type, existing tags that match the characters you’re typing will be displayed in a dialog below the field. Review these suggestions to find a good match.

  • Tags work like service catalog and knowledge base categories in that they associate like content.
  • It is better to reuse an existing tag instead of adding a new one. The TeamDynamix search will not surface results with similar tags, they must be an exact match.
  • If no appropriate tag already exists, a new tag can be added by typing it into the field.
  • Spaces are not supported in tags, so to create a tag with multiple words use a hyphen (e.g., "account-import").
    • Hyphens within tags will be treated as spaces in search results.
    • Please do not use CamelCase tags. They will need to be re-associated with as a tag in the proper format or with an existing tag.
  • Tags consisting only of numbers are not supported and will disappear after clicking the Save button.
  • Any new tags will automatically be saved when the entry is saved.


  • While tags are easy to add to an article, ticket, or service page, they can be an easy thing to forget to use or add to something new.
  • Tags can be added to an article regardless of status. The article does not need to be Approved or published to add tags. 

Need help?

Provide links to other service pages, articles, external links in this section as a bulleted list.

  • For more assistance on article creation and management, please submit a request to Knowledge Management Support or select Create a Ticket on this page.
  • For more information about knowledge base articles in general, please consult our article category about the Knowledge Base.
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Article ID: 140677
Thu 2/8/24 5:21 PM
Thu 8/1/24 3:30 PM