Accessing UO Technology Resources while Traveling


Generally, most technology tools and services are available globally. There are, however, some nations that block traffic to and from specific services, and the United States maintains sanctions against certain countries that prohibit network communications. The U.S. Department of the Treasury maintains information about sanctions at the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

Overseas users should try service-specific access workaround procedures, if available. Most of these tools will work most of the time. However, times may arise when some of these tools are not available depending on geographic region, most often those that include real-time sharing and drafting functionality (Zoom, Duo, and Microsoft 365 are the core tools most frequently reported as not working).

There are many reasons for service unavailability. While faculty, staff, and students can access technologies for educational purposes in restricted countries as per U.S. law, using a virtual private network (VPN) as a workaround, you should be cautious since it may violate local laws and regulations. Suggested alternatives include using a different tool, as described below, or employing adaptations through curricular and pedagogical flexibility.

Technology Matrix

This matrix lays out technology tools and countries in which they may be blocked. This information is subject to change.


= Not available 

= Not available, in future dates. See service notes. 
= The service may operate differently, see the notes below

Technology Russia Belarus China Iran Sudan Syria Turkmenistan Cuba North Korea Ukraine (Crimea, Sevastopol, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions only)
Canvas -- -- -- --
Duo -- -- -- --
Microsoft 365 -- -- -- --
Microsoft Teams -- -- -- -- --
Qualtrics -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
YouTube -- -- -- -- -- --
Zoom -- -- -- -- --

Technology Details

Further information on national availability of each technology tool is below.


  • Some forums indicate that Canvas can be accessed from overseas locations, including China. However, they abide by US regulation on embargoed countries and regions.
  • Canvas support indicates that
    • Canvas access from China has mixed results.
      • From Canvas: “sometimes it works well, sometimes it’s slow, and sometimes certain components appear completely blocked”
    • Some commonly used tools may be blocked, so not all functionality may be available outside the United States at all times or from all locations
      • Google Docs*
      • YouTube*
      • Zoom
      • Other LTI tools

* Not supported by UO IT

Duo (Two-Factor Authentication)

  • Duo Mobile does work in China, but the inability to access the Google Play store and Google Play services impacts Android users in several ways:
    • Because users cannot download the app from Google Play, they need to download the Duo Mobile app directly.
    • Google Play Services is required to receive push notifications on Androids. Users without it will need to “fetch” notifications by swiping down in the Duo Mobile app.
    • Phone callback authentication may not function as expected due to regulations on phone calls.
  • There are no commonly known issues associated with using Duo Mobile and iOS in China.

For more assistance, please submit a ticket to the Two-Step Login (Duo) Support service page.

Microsoft 365

For more assistance, please submit a ticket to the Email and Calendar Help service page.

Microsoft Teams

For more assistance, please submit a ticket to the Microsoft Teams Support service page.


  • Qualtrics support indicates that should be available from most overseas locations, including China.
  • Qualtrics will NOT be available in Russia and Belarus after September 11, 2024.

For more assistance, please submit a ticket to the Qualtrics Survey Support service page.


  • Sources indicate YouTube is blocked to varying degrees in the indicated countries.

* Not supported by UO IT


  • Zoom support indicates that both and should be available from most overseas locations, including China (see article).
  • If you want to use Zoom in China, download the Zoom Client for Meetings from the Zoom Download Center (China).
  • Zoom also offers a web client. Further Info about the Zoom Web Client can be found here.
  • Zoom international support is detailed in this article.

For more assistance, please submit a ticket to the Zoom Support service page.

Create a Ticket Print Article

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List of recommendations for users planning to travel abroad with computing resources.
If you are traveling for work to one or more countries that are deemed to pose high information security risks, take a loaner laptop to help keep intellectual property—yours and the university’s—safer
Duo guidance for international travelers
This article provides information for Zoom usage when outside of the United States.

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Contact the Information Security Office to report data exposure, compromised investigation, along with requesting DNS Blocking, and other information security consulting services.