Email Lists Request

Use this service to request support with email list including, but not limited to:

  • New Email list
  • Existing Email list
  • Enable distribution list
  • Other

Visit our Email List knowledge base for all email list related how-to articles or see Related Articles located on the right of this page.

How to Create a Ticket

To request support click Create a Ticket (top right of the page) and provide the following information

For all types
  • Type of request (new list, existing list, distribution list, or other)
  • Description
For New Email List
  • Type of membership list (UO Staff; Students, Staff and/or Non-UO addresses)
  • List Name
  • List Administrator
  • Membership list (email addresses of all members)

Availability and Access

Current UO affiliation

Requests for modifications to existing Mailman lists (e.g., list password resets), must come from the list owner.


If you have any additional questions view the Contact Technology Help page.

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Create a Ticket

Related Articles (11)

How to manage a Distribution list (DL) in Outlook.
Bounce processing allows the administrator to control the behavior of Mailman when it detects a bounced message.
How to create a mailing list in Mailman.
Digest delivery is a way to bundle many messages into one package, which can be delivered once per day, or whenever the package reaches a specified limit.
A list of all the commands that Mailman understands.
Mailman's general options allow you to specify most of the ways that your mail list will interact with the web server and how it will present itself to the users.
An explanation of Mailman's List Administration information.
The Membership Management page is where administrators may change access and format options for individual subscribers.
Mailman delivers messages to users via two modes: digest or non-digest.
Administrators, moderators, and subscribers access lists in different ways. This article describes how you can access your list and interact with it.
The Privacy Options affect who can see the list, post to the list, and view list information.