College of Design Computer Replacement Policy


User Support Services - Academic North, in conjunction with the College of Design Dean’s Office, will purchase a laptop or desktop computer for faculty and administrative staff who are employed full time by the School.

The goals of this policy are as follows:

  • Improve purchasing efficiencies and allow faculty and staff to be productive by replacing computers every 4th or 5th year.
  • Attempt to achieve greater savings by purchasing in bulk.
  • Improve technical support by standardizing on popular vendors and models of equipment.
  • Improve security via centralized endpoint management.
  • Improve inventory processes.
  • Improve efficiencies by re-purposing older equipment for part time instructors and loaners.


Who is eligible?  

  • Full-time tenured faculty
  • Full-time non-tenured faculty
  • Full-time administrative staff

The ordering process

  • User Support Services will contact eligible employees via email starting in March/April of current fiscal year.
  • Needs and requirements will be communicated and an agreement per computer type will be reached between User Support Services and employee by end of May.
  • Computers will be ordered in July at the beginning of new fiscal year.
  • Once computers have been shipped and are on premise, User Support Services will reach out to faculty and staff to start setup process (August).
  • Once setup has been completed, new faculty computers will be available in September and October for pickup. Staff whom are on campus over the Summer months will receive their computers as they become available.
  • At time of pickup, faculty and staff will surrender their existing primary computer for re-purposing.

Computer Specifications

There are two standard laptop configurations available, as well as a desktop option.  Availability will be determined by requirements of an employee’s role within the College.

Purchases should be in alignment with University supported computer standards

New hires will also be supplied with monitors, keyboard, mouse and docking station if applicable.  

Standard laptop specifications

  • 13” Apple MacBook Pro Retina or Dell Latitude laptop
  • 8 GB of memory
  • 256 GB SSD Hard Drive
  • 1 Accessory Adapter (Video, USB, etc.)

Design laptop specifications

  • 14” Apple MacBook Pro or equivalent Dell Latitude laptop
  • 16 GB of memory
  • 512 GB SSD Hard Drive
  • 1 Accessory Adapter (Video, USB, etc.)

Desktop specifications

  • 21.5” iMac or Dell OptiPlex with 24” Monitor
  • 8 GB of memory
  • 256 GB SSD Hard Drive
  • Keyboard/Mouse

Frequently asked questions

I am not a full-time faculty member, am I eligible?

If you do not meet the full time eligibility requirement, please submit a purchasing or desktop support ticket with you’re your questions/needs and User Support Services will review and work with you and your Department to find a solution.

What if I need a larger hard drive or other upgrade from the standards listed above?

During the initial consultation, please communicate your needs that are above and beyond the standards listed. Any costs associated with upgrades will need to come from ASA or departmental funds and be agreed to by all parties.

What if my current computer needs to be replaced during the academic year and I cannot wait until summer?

There will always be exceptions, please submit a purchasing or desktop support ticket. User Support Services will provide technical support and if it is determined the computer is not in a usable condition, it will be replaced or a loaner provided until a new one can be purchased.

Who qualifies for the larger Design Laptop?

Faculty whose work revolves around the design disciplines such as Art and Technology, Product Design, Architecture, and Landscape Architecture. If you feel you need greater specs than listed, please communicate this during your initial consultation.

I purchased my current computer with my ASA funds, will I have to turn it in when I receive my new laptop?

Yes, you will. Your ASA funds that you used are still considered University funds and as such your current computer is considered university property.

Do we still get the $800 subsidy to purchase a laptop?

No, primary computers are now being purchased out of an index provided by the Dean's Office and managed by User Support Services. The Dean's Office will cover the cost of a standard computer as outlined above. Any upgrades will need to be covered by ASA or departmental funds.  

Further questions?

If you have any further questions about the Computer Replacement Policy, please email User Support Services or submit a ticket via the UO Service Portal. 

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Article ID: 31131
Thu 6/1/17 1:18 PM
Fri 6/16/23 12:19 PM

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USS provides purchasing services to UO departments, programs, and institutes for the purpose of procuring computer and other IT equipment for use by their faculty, staff, & students.