Setting Up UOmail: Thunderbird

Note: Microsoft does not recommend this client for use with Office 365.
There are often significant limitations in client functionality as a result. Because of this, User Support Services (USS) is only able to offer best effort support for these clients, and certain issues may require the use of a Microsoft client in order to be resolved.


This article contains instructions for how to set up Thunderbird for UO email:

If you aren't sure which email system you are on, please see All About Email at UO.


  1. Start Thunderbird. 
    • Please Note: If Thunderbird does not automatically start the account creation wizard when you first open the program, open it with the following menus:
      • Windows and macOS: Three bars menu > Account Settings > Account Actions > Add Mail Account...
      • Linux: Three bars menu > Preferences > Account Settings > Account Actions > Add Mail Account...
  2. Enter your name, email address, and Duck ID password. 
  3. Select Continue.
    • This will load and then fail. A window with server settings will then pop up.
  4. For the incoming server, select IMAP.
    • Server host name:
    • Port: 993
  5. For the outgoing server, select SMTP.
    • Server host name:
    • Port: 587
    • TLS or Connection security: STARTTLS
  6. Then, click Re-test.
  7. The server should load, but you will need to choose the OAuth2 authentication method for both IMAP and SMTP.
    • This option will not appear until you have successfully re-tested the settings at least once.
  8. When you have the correct authentication method chosen, select Done.
  9. A new pop-up will appear with a Microsoft log in page. Enter your Duck ID password.
  10. A Duo prompt will appear. Click Cancel to select the Remember me for 7 days option (recommended), then select your desired validation method to authenticate.
  11. Next, the pop-up will show a Permissions requested page for Thunderbird that you will need to accept to complete the set up of your account.
  12. If you are using Thunderbird as your default mail client, click Set as Default. Otherwise, click Skip Integration.

Thunderbird Exchange Settings

Category Incoming Outgoing
Protocol IMAP SMTP
Port 993 587
Authentication OAuth2 OAuth2
Username [your full UO email address] [your full UO email address]

Updating Your Password


  1. Open Thunderbird.
  2. Click the Thunderbird menu and select Preferences.
  3. Click the Privacy & Security tab.
  4. Click Passwords.
  5. Click Saved Passwords.
  6. Click Show Passwords.
  7. Click Yes.
  8. Double-click each password and update them to your new password.
  9. Click Close.
  10. Restart Thunderbird to verify the password has updated successfully.


  1. Open Thunderbird.
  2. Click the three bars button in the top right corner to open the Thunderbird menu.
  3. Click Options.
  4. Click the Privacy & Security section.
  5. Click Saved Passwords...
  6. Click Show Passwords.
  7. Click Yes.
  8. Double click each password and update them to your new password.
  9. Click Close.
  10. Restart Thunderbird to verify the password has updated successfully.
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Article ID: 31128
Thu 6/1/17 12:54 PM
Fri 8/23/24 3:12 PM

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