Print to a Pay-To-Print Device From Your Own Device


Learn how to print from your own personal Windows/Apple/Android devices to Pay-to-Print devices/printers.


Follow the steps below to install printer queues that will allow you to print to printers to Pay-to-Print Devices

  1. You must be on a UO network for the following to work
    1. Connect to UO Secure
  2. Users will navigate to the Duckprints Installer Page, click Download.
    1. If printing from an iPad, Safari will open up the above page in Desktop mode. You will need to change the page to load in Mobile Website mode.
      1. On the left side of the URL bar in Safari, there is a logo that looks like AA
      2. Select the logo and choose Request Mobile Website
  3. When you go to print your job you will now see new printer options.  Choose:
    1. FindMeBw Virtual Queue (Mobility) 
    2. FindMeColor Virtual Queue (Mobility)
  4. Find your desired printer
    1. Swipe your UO ID card, if asked to access device, click Access Device.
    2. Click the name of your Document. Your print job will print and you will be logged out of printer.
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