The UO has a Zoom tenant available to faculty and staff who handle HIPAA-regulated data as part of their job duties.
If you have already been given access to this HIPAA-compliant Zoom, you will still need to follow the directions below to move your UO Zoom account to the HIPAA tenant.
If you do not yet have access to the HIPAA-compliant Zoom, and your job duties require you to handle HIPAA-regulated data, submit a service request to the Virtual Desktop Support help portal.
Cloud Recordings will be deleted when your account transitions to the HIPAA tenant
If you already have cloud recordings, it is important to download those before having this enabled, as you will lose all access to those recordings once this is enabled for the entire account.
Schedulers and Co-Hosts must also be in the same HIPAA Zoom tenant
Any users to whom you would like to delegate scheduling permissions, or make an alternative host or co-host for your meetings, will also need to be on the same HIPAA tenant; however, you will still be able to invite participants from outside the HIPAA tenant to your Zoom meetings.
If you anticipate these scenarios, you may want to talk with your supervisor and/or technical support contact about moving your entire team to the HIPAA Zoom tenant.
Non-UO Zoom accounts must be transferred to the UO before being added to the HIPAA Zoom tenant
You will only be able to transition your Zoom account to the UO's HIPAA tenant if your account is already in the UO's general Zoom environment.
- If your account is part of a different Zoom environment, you'll need to first transfer your account to the general UO Zoom environment.
- Once that process is complete (and you have been granted access to the HIPAA-compliant Zoom), you can then follow the instructions below to transfer your UO Zoom account to the HIPAA tenant.
Transitioning Your Account
If the prerequisites above have been satisfied, follow the instructions below to transition your UO Zoom account to the HIPAA Zoom tenant:
- Clear your browser's cookies and internet cache.
- If you are still signed into your UO Zoom account, sign out.
- Sign into your UO Zoom account using your UO credentials.
- You will see the message You are signing into a Zoom account that is different from your current one. Click Switch to the New Account.
Alternative Option: If you select Sign into Your Current Account, your Zoom account will not be moved into the HIPAA tenant and will remain in the general UO Zoom environment. You will continue to be given this option every time you sign into Zoom.

Note: If you are not presented with this message, you may not have been added to the HIPAA VDI environment — submit a request to the HIPAA VDI Support help portal to receive access.
- If you clicked Switch to the New Account, you will see the message Before you switch, be aware of the following...
- If you have any concerns about the items listed, contact your local IT support or submit a request to the HIPAA VDI Support service page. Otherwise, click I Acknowledge and Switch and proceed to step 6.
- Alternative Option: If you select Sign into Your Current Account, your Zoom account will not be moved into the HIPAA tenant and will remain in the general UO Zoom environment.

- If you clicked I Acknowledge and Switch in the previous step, you will see the message Zoom sent an email to the address you signed in with. Check your inbox and follow the instructions.
- Open your inbox associated with your UO email address, find the email message with the subject Confirm the requested change to your Zoom account, and click the button Switch to the new account. If the button does not work, copy the web address below the button and paste it into your browser's address bar.

Note: If you do not see this message arrive in your inbox within 15 minutes, check your spam/junk folder as well to see if the email ended up there.
- After clicking Switch to the new account in the email message, your browser will navigate to a new page and show the message Switch to the new Zoom account. Click I Acknowledge and Switch.
- You should then see the message Your Zoom Account Switch Was Successful. Click Sign in Now to sign into your Zoom account that is now in the HIPAA tenant.

Getting Help
To request help, submit a ticket via the Virtual Desktop Support service.