Releasing Print Jobs in PaperCut As Admin


PaperCut administrators can learn how to release print jobs via the PaperCut Administrator's Portal.


This process will give PaperCut Administrators step by step instructions about releasing a job via the PaperCut Administrator's Portal

  1. Type in your Papercut Administrator username and password  in the required fields
    Papercut Admin Portal Homepage. Username and password fields are empty, and "register as a public user" link is at bottom of the page."
  2. Click on Printers on left hand side:
    Papercut Admin Portal Homepage. Different categories listed.  "Printers" circled in red
  3. Click on Jobs Pending Release
    PaperCut printer list, printer options listed horizontally from left to right, and "Jobs Pending Release" is circled in Red
  4. print, cancel, or override
    Jobs pending release page.  All jobs currently waiting for release are listed.  Available actions for the job are circled in red on the right hand side.  Those options are "print", "cancel", and "override"
    1. print will print the job, let the admin user select which printer to release the job to, and then charge the account who sent the print jobJobs pending release page, printers are listed that are available to release jobs to.  is-duckprints\EMU-1 is circled in red as an example of an available printer to release print job to
    2. cancel will cancel the print job and delete it from the virtual queue

    3. override will give admins the ability to release the job for free

  5. Confirm the Override the charged account menu is set to Admin Release - (YOUR DEPARTMENT).  Choose Print

  6. Select the Printer you would like to send your job to
Print Article

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Technology associated with printers and copiers, such as copy, scan, fax, and print.