Classroom Technology Support and Tutorials

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The IS-AV Classroom Support group is committed to supporting the presentation technology needs of university students, faculty, and staff in general use and joint-controlled classrooms.


  • Review the Classroom Equipment & Technology page for more specific information about the classroom you are teaching in. Each classroom page includes pictures, equipment types installed, and tutorial (video or document) about the room.  Please note that these pages are frequently updated.  If you have a specific question or concern please contact us at 541-346-3091 for live support, or email at
  • We will gladly meet instructors in their classrooms for individual tutorials.     
  • If possible, please visit your classroom in advance of the term start to make sure you feel comfortable using the technology on the first day of classes.


Review the Classroom Equipment & Technology list and locate the classroom you are teaching in. Your room may have a classroom-specific written or video tutorial.

Review the Basic Crestron System Instructions that are helpful for the majority of general pool classrooms

Need help?

We are available to meet you in your classroom during or outside of your class to offer training, assistance, or to brainstorm new uses for academic technology. Please call 541-346-3091 or submit a ticket.

Create a Ticket Print Article

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General Pool and Joint Control classrooms feature a Crestron Touch Panel to control each display and source in a classroom. There is a basic standard user interface, though some classrooms have a more robust interface depending on the instructional technologies installed.
Basic checkout agreement policies for User Support Services Classroom Technology (USSCT) circulation desk. This page will be frequently updated/revised by IS.

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For support issues pertaining to technology within classrooms.