Search8 Results

This page includes a table that describes the features of collaboration tools available to UO affiliates.
Learn more about the University of Oregon’s new funding mechanism for communications and collaborative technologies (CCT), replacing historic per-line telecom billing.
Learn about alternatives to fax services and how to choose the option that best meet your needs.
This page explains why UO recommends replacing existing analog fax lines with alternative services.
On February 19, 2024, Dropbox will be changing how users interact with Google Files. This article provides the steps for users with Google Files stored in Dropbox to convert their files to Microsoft Office formats.
How can I permanently delete my files from my Dropbox account?
How do I check the size of a file or folder in my Dropbox account?
A how-to article that describes the steps in setting up your UO Zoom client to record Zoom meetings locally and uploading them to a hosting service (e.g., Dropbox, OneDrive, Canvas, or Panopto, among others).