Where can I host or create a new website?


Where can I host or create a new website?


The University of Oregon offers a variety of tools and services for hosting, publishing, and managing online content.

The Web Development & Hosting service can assist the UO community with creating and administering a dynamic, secure, and recognizable web presence.

I am I need Solution
Faculty, staff, researcher, student An easy way to create a course, lab, or personal website without hiring a web developer UO Blogs
Faculty, staff, researcher, student An HTML-based personal website for academic use pages.uoregon.edu
IT team (system administrator, application administrator, website developer) Hosting for a Drupal-driven website (i.e., department websites, etc.) Drupal Hosting

Need Help?

For help understanding where to host a website and what the options are, visit the Web Development & Hosting service catalog entry and click on the green Request Help button.

Please Note: For faculty, staff, and IT staff, a consultation is recommended to review hosting options. Visit the Web Development & Hosting service catalog entry and click on the green Request Help button.


Article ID: 51687
Fri 4/6/18 10:37 AM
Tue 9/5/23 3:48 PM