Use this service to request support for TeamDynamix access, including but not limited to:
- Request/remove technician/student technician access
- Request/remove IPaaS access
- Modify permissions
- Modify group membership
- Request Admin access
- Other (please describe)
How to Create a Ticket
To request support, click Request Access Support and select the request type and a list of Duck ID(s).
For Admin access and permission elevations, provide a detailed explanation.
To Request Technician/Student Access you will need: |
- List of DuckIDs to mirror
- Designated manager for approval
- Confirmation of Code of Conduct
Note: Only designated managers and supervisors can request access for staff, if you are a staff member, ensure you determine who in your management chain can approve access.
Availability and Access
UO IT Employees
Each requested user must be in an IT unit that has been on-boarded OR be a member of a support team for a service supported using the service portal to access this site as a technician.
Once the employee (not the supervisor) has completed the Code of Conduct, you can expect access to be granted within one business day of the ticket request.
If you have any additional questions, view the Contact Technology Help page.
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