Technology Checkout for Students

A limited number of laptops, Chromebooks, and webcams are available for checkout to University of Oregon students to facilitate remote education and improve access for students with a demonstrated need. 

How to Reserve Equipment

To get help, click Create a Ticket (top right of the page) and complete the form.

Directions for equipment pickup will be provided in response to your request.

Availability and Access

  • UO undergraduate and graduate students who are currently enrolled in remote learning UO courses.
  • Priority will be given to students with limited resources. 

You can expect a response to your request within 6 business hours.


  • Reservations are on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Pickup of equipment will be done via a scheduled appointment. 
  • Checkout duration for equipment will not exceed 1 term.


  • Equipment checkout can be renewed if the item is not already reserved. Renewals can be requested by submitting another reservation request and referencing your original reservation number (or Ticket Number). A team member will work with you to determine if your request for renewal is possible. 

Borrowers' Responsibilities

  • UO ID is required. No one may use another person's I.D. or library card to check out materials.
  • It is the responsibility of the borrower to note the time or date that the material is due.
  • Borrowers are responsible for the security and prompt return of material and equipment checked out in their name.

Overdue or damaged equipment fines

  • Any borrower who fails to return the equipment or returns it in damaged condition will be charged for replacement and\or repair charges.  


If you have any additional questions view the Contact Technology Help page.

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Service ID: 42589
Wed 3/18/20 3:42 PM
Mon 8/26/24 10:11 AM