Classroom Equipment Checkout

Use this service reserve classroom equipment for purposes directly related to University of Oregon courses. Last day to check out an item is December 8th which would be due back on the 9th.

How to Reserve Equipment

To request support click Reserve Equipment (top right of the page) and complete the form.

Directions for equipment pickup will be provided as a response to your request.

Availability and Access

Current UO Affiliation

You can expect a response to your request within 6 business hours.

TSD Classroom Technology does not provide equipment for non-instructional use. "Non-instructional" is defined as events that are not CRN classes, or are not directly related to a CRN class. Non-instructional or non-course related equipment requests should be submitted to UO Scheduling & Event Services (541-346-6000 or


  • Equipment can be reserved for CRN-related activities.
  • Requests for reservations need to be made prior to 2:00 pm the business day before the requested date. 
  • Checkout times are 24 hours or up to a full term for lapel mics only, depending on demand and available inventory. 


  • Equipment checkout can be renewed if the item is not already reserved. Renewals can be requested by submitting another reservation request and referencing your original reservation number (or Ticket Number). A team member will work with you to determine if your request for renewal is possible. 

Borrowers' Responsibilities

  • No one may use another person's I.D. or library card to check out materials.
  • It is the responsibility of the borrower to note the time or date that the material is due.
  • Borrowers are responsible for the security and prompt return of material and equipment checked out in their name.
  • Equipment cannot leave the state or USA.

No additional charges apply for the active checkout of equipment.

Overdue or damaged equipment fines

  • Overdue fines are charged to encourage prompt returns and to ensure access to the collections for other borrowers. Overdue fines are charged per item. Late fines for most equipment are $0.75 per hour. 

Any borrower who fails to return the equipment in a timely manner or returns it in damaged condition will be charged lost item fees or repair charges, any accrued fines, plus a $15.00 service charge per item. Patrons may also be billed rental charges above and beyond the overdue charges for materials not returned by the due time given at check-out.


If you have any additional questions view the Contact Technology Help page.

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Reserve Equipment

Related Articles (2)

Instructions to setup and use personal lapel microphones.
Basic checkout agreement policies for User Support Services Classroom Technology (USSCT) circulation desk. This page will be frequently updated/revised by IS.