Adding resources to booking


This article will guide EMS users through the process of adding resources and resource items to a booking.


  • EMS booking


  1. Open any single booking either by double-clicking on one in the Book or by Booking ID from the Navigator wizard. This will open the Navigator dialog box for the reservation with the booking highlighted.
  2. Either right-click on the booking from the reservation frame on the left of the Navigator window and select New then select the resource category or select New from the left of the lower panel of the Navigator window and select the resource category. This will open the resource category dialog box.
  3. Set the Quantity field to the desired amount and then select from the list of resource items below. 
    1. Note: You can use the Grouping drop-down above the Quantity field to filter resources in the list or enter the resource item in the Filter field.
  4. Note: When selecting a resource item, it will populate the lower panel of the Navigator dialog box behind the resource category dialog box. This will allow for multiple resource items to be selected without having to repeat the process re-opening the resource category dialog box.
  5. Once all of the resource items have been selected, you may close the Navigator dialog box. The selected resource item(s) will appear as a subfolder in the reservation frame on the left of the Navigator dialog box and it will appear on the confirmation for the booking.
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Article ID: 67342
Fri 11/16/18 11:18 AM
Fri 9/13/24 3:33 PM

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