Please Note: Dark Mode is a feature available starting from version 23.1 of the DuckDocs (OnBase) Web Client. In compatible versions, the main menu icon will appear as a grid icon

) rather than a hamburger icon (

In newer versions of the DuckDocs (OnBase) web client, a Dark Mode feature is available and may be activated by default. Follow the steps below to configure Dark Mode settings in the web client:
Configuring Dark Mode
- When logged into the web client, click on your name in the top-right corner to open a drop-down menu.
- Select Preferences in this drop-down menu.
- In the Preferences window, scroll down to the bottom of the Client Settings section. You will find a setting called Appearance.

- Choose your preferred setting (See definitions below), then click Save and Close.
- Note: You will need to log out of the web client before seeing these changes take place.
Appearance Setting Definitions
System Setting
System Setting displays the interface in light or dark mode depending on the default display mode configured for your system.
- For example, if your system is set to use dark mode, then dark mode is used automatically.
The Light theme displays dark text and icons on a light background.
The Dark theme displays light text and icons on a dark background.