Changing Microsoft Teams Channel Notification Frequency


How do I change the number of notifications I receive in Microsoft Teams channels?


You can decrease the total number of notifications you receive in Teams if you need to. Many faculty and staff members are members of many teams and/or a few very busy teams. As a result, people often get overly frequent notifications. This process will show you how to solve that issue by changing your channel settings. 

  1. Select Teams on the left navigation bar of Microsoft Teams.
  2. Select the card with the name of the team you plan to change notifications for. 
  3. Select the name of the channel whose notifications you plan to change. 
  4. Select the three-dot More Options menu.
  5. Choose Channel Notifications in the drop-down menu. 
  6. Choose the options you want in the Channel Notifications drop downs. 
    1. Note: Your banner notifications appear in the lower-right corner of your screen on a PC and in the upper-right corner of your screen on a Mac.
    2. Your feed notifications appear as a number and a shaded-in icon on your left-hand navigation bar. 
  7. Select Save.
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Article ID: 140774
Mon 6/10/24 1:48 PM
Fri 9/6/24 2:08 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Microsoft Teams is a communication and collaboration service that is part of Microsoft Office 365.