DuckDocs (OnBase): Using Notes on Documents


In OnBase, notes are used to add comments or annotations to a document. They can be used to provide additional context, highlight important information, or simply to remind yourself or others of something important. Users can add, modify, or delete a note. Steps for each of these actions can be found below.


Adding a note

  1. Open the document you wish to place a note on.
  2. Click Sticky Note or any other note choices available for the document.
  3. Bring your mouse down to the note area, and left-click to place your note.
  4. Write on the note by clicking the Notes icon on the right just above your document.
  5. You have now added a note to the document. 
Setting note privacy: To make it so you are the only one that can see the note, click on Privacy Options in the top ribbon. 

Modifying a note

  1. To modify an existing note, view the note by clicking on the View Notes List icon just above your document, then clicking on the note you wish to modify from the list.
    1. Alternatively, you may click directly on the note you want to modify.
  2. You can now edit the note.
  3. Once you are done editing, click Save to save the changes you made to the note.

Deleting a note

  1. To delete a note, view the note by clicking on the View Notes List icon on the just above your document, then clicking on the note you wish to modify from the list.
  2. Right-click on the note you want to delete and select Delete Note.
  3. Confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.
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