CAS Computer Replacement Program (CCRP)

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The CAS Computer Replacement Program (CCRP) is intended to subsidize regular, four-year replacement of primary desktop/laptop computers in the College of Arts and Sciences; to improve record keeping of licenses; and to lower the cost of computers and desktop support services to the College.

The intent is to ensure eligible faculty and staff have primary computers no older than four years. CAS faculty and staff participate in CCRP by ordering a subsidized computer every four years after their hire date. The CAS Dean’s Office provides a $700 subsidy for any eligible CCRP machine. Any purchases made outside of the CCRP process will not be reimbursed or subsidized by CAS. 

If faculty have resources available to them (i.e., in their activity code whether that is within the ASA index, ICC, or any other index/fund type) these funds should be used first to pay for the remaining balance of the CCRP purchase.  If those funds aren’t available or are allocated for another expense, then the department can pay for the remaining balance of the CCRP purchase.

Note: This program is only available to CAS Faculty and Staff.

Purchase selection is limited to systems found in the USS Device and Hardware Standards, which outline the standard supported hardware models for end-user devices supported by USS.

Eligibility Requirements

The CAS Dean’s Office has established the following eligibility guidelines.

Users who are eligible

To be eligible for the CCRP, the participant must be:

  • Employee type B: Tenure Track Faculty
  • Employee types A, F, H: Officers of Administration
  • Employee type C: Classified Staff and Career NTTF


  • At .50 FTE or above in CAS

In addition to these, the user must have:

  • Not participated in the CCRP in the last four years, or
  • Primary workstation that is older than four years.
Users who are NOT eligble
  • Employees of self-support units such as Institutes and Centers
  • Retired faculty or faculty on Tenure Reduction Program (TRP)
  • TTF, NTTF, and staff below .50 FTE in CAS
  • Non-career NTTF/Funding Contingent (Employee Type E)
  • GE’s (Employee Type G)
  • Adjunct Faculty (Employee Type D)
  • Temporary Employees

Who Pays?

When a faculty or staff member’s payroll is split between two or more CAS departments, eligibility for computer replacement will be in the department that pays the majority of the FTE. If FTE is split evenly between two participating departments, the department managers and employee discuss which department will be the employee’s home department. The chosen department will remain the employee’s main department for CCRP purposes.

New Faculty with start-up funds for computing equipment will be incorporated into the CCRP four years after their initial purchase.


All computers purchased via CCRP, New Faculty Subsidy, or computers purchased with ASA, Research, or Departmental funds are owned by the University of Oregon with the employee they are purchased for, designated the primary user. These computers cannot be kept by the employee either after replacement, or post severance with the university. The university cannot legally sell them to the individual when they leave the university. Upon replacement, retirement, and/or severance all computers and UO owned devices must be returned to the university. If there are any questions regarding device ownership, please contact USS via the UO Service Portal. Computers that are not returned post-replacement, retirement and/or severance may be treated as stolen and reported to the appropriate authorities.

Devices that are purchased using UO funds are subject to the University Minimum Security Controls Standard. This will include adhering to the Endpoint Management Standard.

Service Levels/Timeline

  • July 1 – July 30 – CCRP Eligibility List review and approval process begins with the goal of finalization by July 30.
  • August 1 – November 30 – CCRP Ordering open to eligible users and/or departmental CCRP contacts from finalized departments.
  • December 1 – CCRP ordering reminder emails are sent out.
  • December 1 – April 30 – CCRP Ordering open to eligible users and/or departmental CCRP contacts from finalized departments.
  • May 1 – May 31 – CCRP closed and only Emergency CCRP purchases are allowed.
  • May 1 – June 30 – CCRP Program Evaluation (No CCRP Orders of any kind during June)

What to do after eligibility has been established

After department or unit eligibility has been finalized you will be sent an email with a link to the CCRP Order Form service page.

Note: You cannot complete this form until you have been notified of your eligibility.
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Related Services / Offerings (1)

USS provides purchasing services to UO departments, programs, and institutes for the purpose of procuring computer and other IT equipment for use by their faculty, staff, & students.