Canvas Global Announcement Request

Canvas Global Announcements offer brief and timely information to Canvas users. Global Announcements display as a notification on the top of a user's Canvas dashboard. 

Submission Guidelines

  • To be considered for approval, announcements must clearly pertain to academic matters or to relevant technical issues and must be of interest to the majority of Canvas users.   
  • Requests should be submitted 14 days ahead of the desired publication date.  
  • No more than two Canvas Global Announcements will be displayed at one time. 
  • Announcements are typically published on Mondays and remain for five business days.   
  • Global announcements will be approved at the discretion of the LMS Service Advisory Board or designee. 
  • Announcements are limited to 50 words. To keep announcements brief, consider publishing a document with additional information in another location and linking to it from your announcement.

How to Create a Ticket

To request support, click Request Announcement (top right of the page) and provide the required requested information.

  • Requestor Department/Unit
  • Announcement Title
  • Announcement Body Text (up to 50 words, you can attach a Word document)
  • Announcement Start Date and Time

Optionally you can provide:

  • Images and their Alt Text
  • End date for the announcement (default is five days)
  • URL of web resources for "read more" link.

Availability and Access

You can expect a response to your request within three business days.

Available to UO Faculty and Staff



If you have any additional questions view the Contact Technology Help page.

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Request Announcement


Service ID: 51049
Tue 10/5/21 12:18 PM
Thu 3/28/24 10:30 AM