Computer Lab General Support

This service allows users of computer labs at the UO to report issues with the lab. Locations such as the Knight Library, which have shared computers that students can use, are also included in this service.

Issues can include, but are not limited to:

  • Computers not turning on
  • Missing, broken, or faulty equipment
  • Not being able to login to a computer
  • Lab software not running correctly
  • Problems with the physical space (dirt, broken furniture, bad lights, etc.)
  • Problems printing
  • Missing/incorrect signage or documentation
  • Other (general service request)

How to Request Support

To request support, click Request Support (at the top right of the page) and select the type of problem you are having and the building where the lab is located.

Availability and Access

You can expect a response to your request within 6 business hours.

Any user of UO computer labs may request support here. Some computer labs are limited in use to members of a department. Rules for access to specific computer labs are outside the scope of this document.


If you have any additional questions view the Contact Technology Help page.

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Information on the EMU Computer Lab.
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