Departments may encounter the need to provide short-term technology access to individuals who are involved in university activities but not formally affiliated with the University of Oregon.
Sponsored Duck ID accounts are available from Information Services to fill this gap. This account type provides access to a limited set of computing services for up to 100 days, with a one-time renewal option.
Table of Contents
The guest's use of computing resources must be for UO business or academic purposes.
The guest's need for access is anticipated to have a duration of two terms or less (equating to 100 days, plus a one-time renewal).
Each sponsored account request must be approved by the president, provost, dean, vice provost, vice president, associate vice president, or their IS designee.
Eligible Guests
The following categories of people are eligible to be sponsored:
- Visiting faculty, staff, and researchers
- Consultants, vendors, and others contracted by the university
- Research partners at other institutions
- Meeting attendees that are colleagues and peers of an eligible sponsor
- Others needing limited duration access to a minimal set of services
Eligible Sponsors
Sponsored accounts must be requested by faculty or staff.
Other employee types and appointment holders are not eligible to sponsor guests.
Sponsor Responsibilities
The sponsor accepts responsibility for the following:
- The actions of their guest while they are utilizing computing resources at UO
- Notifying Information Services to terminate the account early if the need for sponsored access ends prior to the account's scheduled expiration
- Providing Duck ID password support to their guest
Account Duration
Sponsorship Period
- Up to 100 days of access can be granted when the account is created.
- When this period ends the sponsorship is considered expired, and access is disabled.
One-Time Renewal Period
- Upon expiration, the account is eligible for one 100 day renewal. This renewal can be requested by submitting the Sponsored Duck ID Request Form.
- When the renewal expires, the account is terminated.
- If during the renewal period you begin to anticipate access is going to be required beyond the renewal termination date, the courtesy or associate appointment process should be started as soon as possible to prevent disruption in access.
After Sponsorship Termination
- Further renewal is not available.
- Individuals who need access beyond 200 days must obtain a courtesy or associate appointment. More information about courtesy and associate appointments is available at Guest Access to UO Technology. The appointment process should be started as soon as possible (ideally during the One-Time Renewal Period) to prevent or limit disruption in access.
- Please note that the sponsored Duck ID account is not available for re-use with an appointment, due to a hard technical limitation. At the end of the appointment process, the individual will claim a different Duck ID account by following the same process as employees.
Available Services
Sponsored accounts receive the following core services:
- Duo
- Microsoft Services
- Network access, including UO VPN and UO Secure Wi-Fi
- UO Service Portal
- General Duck ID login capability (Active Directory)
Additional access is available upon request, such as:
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Dropbox
- UO Blogs
- Zoom
- Other services as allowed by the service owner
Some access is unavailable to sponsored accounts, such as:
- Business application access (Banner, AppWorx, DuckDocs, IDR/Cognos)
- Presence in the Find People directory
- Services that by design require an affiliation or UO ID (95#) to authenticate
- If these items are required for your guest to fulfill their role, you should pursue a courtesy or associate appointment instead; see more information at Guest Access to UO Technology
Password Management
When a sponsored account is created, the sponsor is responsible for creating an initial Duck ID password for their guest. Instructions are provided at that time.
Guests are encouraged to use their initial password at the Duck ID Account Management site to:
- Set an updated password of their choice
- Enroll in security questions, which will enable them to self-reset their password should it be forgotten
If a guest forgets their password and can't self-reset, it's the sponsor's responsibility to assist them by setting a new one.
Review and Revocation
Sponsored accounts are subject to review by the chief information officer.
Misconduct related to a sponsored account will result in account termination. Additional penalties may result from abuse by delegates, including the removal of sponsorship capabilities.
System Configuration
Information Services creates sponsored accounts in the current identity management platform. This provides:
- a way of tracking university users who are delegated authority
- a way for vice presidents and their delegates to request sponsored accounts and choose account duration (up to maximum policy)
- a way for vice presidents and their delegates to terminate guest accounts they have sponsored
- an audit trail of all sponsored guests including who they are, their contact information, their business relationship with the university, and their sponsoring employee
Requesting a Sponsored Account
For requesting a sponsored account, please consult the Sponsored Duck ID Account Request service page.