Medicat Document Upload Troubleshooting


There are a number of reasons why one will need to upload documents to the Medicat Patient Portal

Uploads can fail for several reasons, and the error page unfortunately will not make it clear which one you have experienced.

Read on for the most frequent reasons for reaching the error page on upload, and how to address them.

Frequent sources of error when uploading

Special Characters

There are a number of characters, that when used in a file name, will cause a document upload to fail.

To prevent this, make sure none of the following are present in the name of the file:

Table of special characters
Symbol Definition
* Asterisk
& Ampersand
% Percent
' Single Quote
< Less Than
> Greater Than
/ Forward Slash
\ Backslash

HEIC Format Images

Modern Apple iOS devices such as the iPhone default to taking images in the HEIC image format. The Medicat Patient Portal is unable to process images in this format at this time.

Confirming the image is in HEIC Format

  1. Open Photos and browse to the image you are trying to upload
  2. Swipe up or tap i
  3. If the image is in HEIC format, you will see HEIF to the right

Option 1: Make a JPEG copy of the image

  1. Choose the share option from the image in the Photos app
  2. Choose Copy Photo
  3. Open the Files app and select On My Phone
  4. Tap and hold in empty space until the Paste option appears
  5. Choose Save Image
  6. Go back to the portal and upload the new JPEG copy of the image you just created

Option 2: Make a PNG copy of the image

Note: this may be adequate for images of cards, but documents will likely not be readable by this method and you will be asked to upload again.
  1. Open the image full-screen in Photos
  2. Take a screenshot of the image
  3. Go back to the portal and upload the screenshot
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