CAS website support is provided by the CAS Web Communications team, who are part of the CAS Communications team.
The team provides web support and training to CAS units and their academic programs, as well as assisting with the consolidation of separate unit websites under the general CAS umbrella.
Services include
- Updates to newly launched Drupal sites
- Development of intranets via Teams
- Coordinating faculty and staff profile management (e.g. contact information) between departmental websites and CAS Profile.
- Support, training, and guidance for departmental website structure and content
- General WordPress support and training for faculty and lab websites
- General Drupal support and training for departmental websites
- Support for displaying departmental social media feeds on departmental websites
- Formatting web content on a programming (HTML/CSS) level
- Provide templates for commencement programs and departmental posters
Requesting Help
For questions and support, please send a request ticket through the College of Arts and Sciences Web Communication Support service page or by clicking the Request Support button in the top-right corner of this page.