Getting Started with Adobe Stock


Adobe Stock is a repository of stock imagery and video footage. Millions of photos, illustrations, and vector graphics will become available for free to all UO faculty, staff, and graduate employees starting December 21, 2021.

You can access Adobe Stock directly on its website or through Adobe Creative Cloud applications, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

This article is intended to guide Adobe Creative Cloud customers through Adobe Stock and some of its features that fall within the University of Oregon's site license.

How to access

Adobe Stock is accessible using your full UO email address and your Duck ID.

  1. Go to the Adobe Stock website and sign-in with your full UO email address
    • Upon entering your UO email address, you may be asked to sign-in with your Personal or your Work or School Account. Select Work or School Account
  2. Use your Duck ID to complete authentication
Note: Adobe Stock is available through the Creative Cloud app in the Stock & Marketplace tab. Any search conducted there will be redirected to the results within their default web browser.

How to use

Once you have authenticated into the service, you can search through three primary methods:

Adobe Stock Home Page with 1. Content Type, 2. Search Field, and 3. Search by image highlighted

  1. You can select the type of content you wish to find
  2. You can enter keywords into the search field
  3. You can select the Camera icon to use the Find Similar feature and search with an image

Useful features

Using filters

Once your primary search results appear, you can add various filters to assist your search by selecting the filter icon on the left or by selecting the Show Panel button at the top of the results list.

Adobe Stock results list with filter panel visible and highlighted

The Filter Panel allows for you to search content by subcategory, price, find undiscovered content, by orientation, and many other things.

Note: The university's license includes everything within the Standard Content price filter. Premium content can be purchased for use.

Search with an image with Find Similar

If you have an image that you like and you want to find more like it, you can upload your image file as a search parameter through a featured call Find Similar.

From the Adobe Stock homepage or from the search results field, click on the Find Similar icon () to either upload your image from your computer's file system or find similar content from within your search results.

Find Similar feature from the filter panel

Licensing and using stock content

Once you have found what you would like to use, you can save the content to your Adobe library or download it to your computer.

To download the full version of the stock content, select the License button either in the search results view or from the image properties view. Licensing allows you to use the content in any way you choose on any platform for anything related to the university's Adobe educational license and it will save the content to your Adobe library as well.

The License button from the search item content view

If you want to just save to your library, select the Save to Library option heart icon (). You can also select Download Preview to download a preview of the file to your computer, or open the file in any compatible Adobe Creative Cloud application by clicking Open in App.

Note: Once content is licensed, it can be opened with any program that can open the file.

Actions from the search result content view

Beyond Standard Content

The university's license with Adobe covers all Standard Content. Adobe Stock offers video, music, and premium stock images that require an additional fee.

After a premium asset has been purchased once, it will become available to others within the university for free. Fees will be collected as a self-service mechanism. Users can enter their P-card information when they wish to purchase premium assets. There is no need to submit a ticket or PO.

Accessing Stock from Adobe Creative Cloud applications

You can search Adobe Stock content directly from Adobe desktop applications, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Dimension and Animate.
If the Libraries panel isn’t already open, choose the Window menu option in any compatible application, then select Libraries.

For more information on using Stock libraries, please consult the Use Adobe Stock with Creative Cloud Libraries article from Adobe.

Links to Additional Content

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Article ID: 138141
Mon 9/27/21 5:42 PM
Wed 9/18/24 3:56 PM

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