UO Blogs: Guest Policy


Guest policy for UO blogs.



The University of Oregon offers UO Blogs, a WordPress-based web publishing service for the UO community.

This article outlines policy about guest access to UO Blogs.

Sponsorship eligibility and process

Please Note: This sponsorship process is for UO Blogs access only. Sponsored Duck ID accounts are separate from this policy and have their own requisition process and request form.

Access to UO Blogs by a guest shall be coordinated through a sponsor. The sponsor will typically have some relationship with the guest. Guests are responsible for reading and adhering to the Terms of Service for UO Blogs. The sponsor will take responsibility for the actions of the guest while they are utilizing UO Blogs. Violations of these policies will be referred to the appropriate authorities.

Staff or faculty at service desks shall not generally sponsor guests unless they have invited the guest to campus or are asked to sponsor the guest by an eligible sponsor. This policy defines sponsors as well as a period of time that a sponsor shall be allowed to provide access to a guest.

Eligible affiliations for requesting guest access

The affiliations eligible for requesting guest access are:

  • Tenure Track Faculty (TTF)
  • Non Tenure Track Faculty (NTTF; Career, or Fixed Short Term Faculty)
  • Officers of Administration (OAs)
  • Staff

Guests who are eligible

This policy defines the following categories of guests that are eligible to be sponsored:

  • Invited guest instructors, students, researchers, or staff directly supporting the research or instructional mission of the university or its operations whose work requires uoregon.edu web space. (e.g., Authors from the Summer Reading Program who will use the UO Blogs platform to teach and interact with UO students).

Guest account usage conditions

On the specified end date, the guest account will be deleted.

As for the site that was created, one of the following options may be chosen:

  • The site will remain on the web, but will be static.
  • The site will remain on the web, but administrative privileges will be transferred to a specified UO affiliate.
  • Migrate the UO Blogs site to another WordPress-based service. The site will then be archived and removed from UO Blogs.
  • The site will be archived and removed from the web completely.


Any request for sponsorship for an extended period of time (e.g., one academic year or longer), shall be referred to the department head, IT director, or their designee for sponsorship approval.

Requesting guest access

If your affiliation is eligible to sponsor a guest:

  1. Use the Web Development & Hosting Support service form and request the addition of A new customer.
  2. Enter the information for the guest in the Description field of the form or attach a file by selecting the file in the Attachment field.
  3. Select Request to submit your request.

Upon approval

Once you have obtained a guest account, they will use the provided username and temporary password to log into the UO Guest Granted sign in.

Additional information

For more information about using UO Blogs, see UO Blogs: FAQ for instructions on creating and using your blog.



Article ID: 33246
Wed 7/12/17 7:28 PM
Sun 12/22/24 11:00 AM

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