Duo registration guide for hardware tokens


Instructions for registering a new hardware token obtained from UO



After you receive a new hardware token from UO, you must complete a registration process before the token will work for you.

The instructions below are for registration of Feitian c100 and Duo D-100 hardware tokens received from UO.

If you have purchased a YubiKey instead, please refer to the How to set up a YubiKey for Duo article.


  1. Open your preferred browser 
  2. Go to the Two-Step Login (Duo) Token Request & Registration service page
  3. Click Register Token
  4. Select the type of token you have (Below are examples of the two types of tokens provided by the university). An infographic showing the backs of the two token types.
  5. Type in the serial number from the back of your token
  6. Click Request
  7. A ticket has been sent to the Technology Service Desk, and we will respond once your token registration is complete.



Article ID: 107877
Fri 5/15/20 7:40 PM
Tue 6/20/23 7:00 PM

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