- 7-Zip
- Adobe Acrobat DC
- Adobe After Effects
- Adobe Animate
- Adobe Audition
- Adobe Bridge
- Adobe Character Animator
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe InCopy
- Adobe InDesign
- Adobe Lightroom Classic
- Adobe Media Encoder
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Premiere Pro
- Adobe Substance 3D
- AlleleA1
- Anaconda3
- Audacity
- Blender
- Brackets
- CloudCompare Stereo
- CrimeStat
- CrystalMaker for Windows
- ESRI ArcGIS Maps for Creative Cloud
- GeoDa
- Google Chrome
- Google Earth Pro
- IBM SPSS Statistics
- Microsoft Office 365
- Microsoft Visual Studio Code
- MiKTeX
- Mozilla Firefox
- Notepad++
- R for Windows
- RStudio
- SAS 9.4 1M6
- SaTScan
- Schrodinger PyMol
- USS Lab Printer Drivers
- VLC Media Player
- WinSCP
- Wolfram Mathematica
- wxMacMolPlt
- Adobe Acrobat SDL
- Adobe Aftereffects
- Adobe Animate
- Adobe Audition
- Adobe Bridge
- Adobe Characteranimator
- Adobe Dimension
- Adobe Dreamweaver
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Incopy
- Adobe Indesign
- Adobe Lightroomclassic
- Adobe Mediaencoder
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Premierepro
- Adobe Premiererush
- Adobe Xd
- Anaconda
- Arduino
- Audacity
- Avogadro
- Bbedit
- Bibdesk
- Blender
- Blurb Indesign
- Crystaldiffract
- Crystalmaker
- Cyberduck
- Efi Password
- Fetch
- Figtree
- Fiji
- Gamessq
- Google Chrome
- Hamrick Vuescan
- Handbrake
- Ibm Spss
- Krita
- Mathworks Matlab
- Microsoft Edge
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Onenote
- Microsoft Powerpoint
- Microsoft Word
- Mozilla Firefox
- Ocenaudio
- Processing
- Python Idle
- R
- R Studio
- Simutext
- Sublimetext
- Tableaupublic
- Texshop
- Visual Studio Code
- Wolfram Mathematica
- Zotero
Services and Support
There are several black and white and color printers in the Knight Library
- Knight Library Reference - B/W and Color
- Knight Library 3rd Floor Music - B/W
- Knight Library 4th Floor - B/W
Details about printing options, cost, and how to use the printers can be found on the Computer Lab Printing article.
There are several book scanners in the Knight Library. These scanners offer scanning in a variety of formats, including book, single page, and cropped. They're capable of color, grayscale, or black-and-white scans in a variety of file formats, including JPEG, PDF, and TIFF. After scanning is complete, you can save the files directly to a USB drive or send them as an e-mail attachment (25 MB email limit).
Large-format and regular-format flatbed scanners are attached to computers at Knight 1st Floor West.
Media Reader Stations
In the East wing of the first floor exists a myriad of stations with support for reading older analogue, or outdated digital media formats. These range from projector slides, to Laser discs, and many formats in between.
Laptop checkout
Laptops are available for checkout to current UO students for up to four hours at the Knight Library Circulation Desk, and at the Price Science Commons and Research Library.
Additional Support
For further assistance or to report any issues within the lab, please consult the Report a Computer Lab Program service page, or visit the help desk at 1st Floor South, Knight Library.