Job Scheduling FAQ


Common questions pertaining to job scheduling



Common questions pertaining to job scheduling.


How do I get a new Job Scheduling (AppWorx) account?

Use the Business Application Access Request service catalog entry.

How can I change my Oracle login within Applications Manager?

See Using Job Scheduling (AppWorx) with Banner.

What does it mean if my job aborts?

See What does it mean if my AppWorx job aborts?.

I'm getting the error "AwE-5009 RMI connection failure, check if RmiServer is running" when I try to log in to Applications Manager.

You log in to Applications Manager using your Duck ID username and password. However, Applications Manager will produce an error if any of the following special characters are included in your Duck ID password: $ ( ) * + - . ? [ \ ] ^ @ { | }.

  • Please note that, although these characters are valid when logging in to other services that use the Duck ID, they may fail when used with Applications Manager.
  • There may be another problem when you get this error and that is that there may not be an entry in the /opt/AppWorx/ldap/appworx_ldap_map.txt file for your user ID.

Contact the Technology Service Desk to see if this is the case.

Are all the output files saved on the Applications Manager server or my local hard drive?

All Applications Manager output files are stored on the Applications Manager servers.

What is the difference between my Applications Manager login and my Applications Manager Oracle login?

You log in to Applications Manager using one set of credentials. This consists of your username and password. Your username is the same as your BANNER username. Your password will be the same as your Duck ID password. In order for you to run Applications Manager jobs, you need to be able to connect to the BANNER database. To do this, you set your Applications Manager Oracle login password to match that of your BANNER login password.

When you change your BANNER password, you must also change your Applications Manager Oracle login to match.

Can I change the names of Applications Manager output files?

You cannot rename the files in Applications Manager. Applications Manager generates a unique sequence number that is then built in to the output files so they can be identified in Applications Manager as well as be uniquely identified on the Applications Manager servers. If you find that you absolutely need the name of an output file changed, you can FTP the output file from the Job details window->Output files tab to your desktop and rename it there.

In Banner, can I change the modules/chains to be able to output as either LIS or XLS files?

Banner output files are by default listing (LIS) files. We have some modules/chains that produce XLS (Excel) output, but that usually is determined by a prompt value.

If you have a need for an output that is required to be in Excel format, submit a service request with Banner Support.

If I have several jobs that run every day, can I set them up to run automatically "forever"?

Applications Manager has the capability to schedule modules/chains anytime, any day for as long as you want to run the job.

  • Information Services restricted campus users from creating schedules on modules and chains due to volatility of the module set up.
  • We have provided your security officers the ability to create chains that can be built with schedules so that your job(s) can be set up to run forever.

Submit a ticket with Banner Support to communicate with your security officer if you would like a job to be scheduled.

If I have a job scheduled in the future and I change my Oracle password, will my scheduled job still run?

Yes. Any time you change your Oracle password within Applications Manager, it is saved within the Applications Manager repository database.

  • Since your job is scheduled in advance, the job knows which login to use.
  • When your job launches, the scripts in Applications Manager use that login object regardless of what the password is.
  • When the login is referenced in these scripts it will pull the password from the repository database and make the necessary connection to Oracle.

Does the list of jobs in the backlog view only show my jobs?

For most of you, you will see only your jobs that you submit in Applications Manager. This means that only you will be able to see the output from your job. There are a few people who need to have access to see others' jobs for various reasons. In those cases, those people will be able to see others' output.

Is there a timeout or shutdown constraint in Applications Manager like there is in Banner?

There is no timeout or shutdown constraint in Applications Manager. Once you are logged in, you are in until you log out.

How do I find jobs that are no longer in the history pane of the Explorer window?

By default, Applications Manager keeps jobs in the History pane of the Explorer window for 60 minutes.

  1. If you want to find a job that has fallen out of the history pane, you must perform a filter scan to find your job. From the Explorer window, select Filter >History Query.
  2. In the History Query window, you can pick and choose what items to base your search query.
  3. The Current Day checkbox is automatically checked for you. Uncheck this if you want to base your search on a date range.
  4. Select OK.

Applications Manager will return all jobs (up to 450 days ago) based on your query.

Can I type in a value instead of using the list of values for a prompt?

That depends on the prompt. If a prompt is set to allow changes, then yes, you may type in a value for that prompt. If the prompt is set so no changes are allowed, then you cannot even highlight the prompt value field. If the LOV button is highlighted, then you MUST pick a value from the list in order for the prompt value to be valid.

How do I create a file association?

To create a file association perform the following:

  1. From the main Applications Manager menu, select Options > File Associations
  2. In the Pattern box, type in the extension of the file you want to associate (i.e., DOC, LIS, PDF, XLS, etc.)
  3. Select the "..." button next to the Application box.
    1. Find the application that is associated with the entry you made in the Pattern Box.
    2. For example. Excel is usually found at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\EXCEL.EXE
  4. Select your choice for Use: ASK, ALWAYS, or NEVER
  5. Select the Add button

How can Applications Manager process my data files?

You can transfer your data files to the Applications Manager server by using the banner form GWBLOAD. This form will let you browse your PC and automatically load your file to the Applications Manager server. When you launch a module or chain in Applications Manager, you can specify your data file from a list of values as a prompt value.

What are the format of the output files?

For Banner jobs, you get a minimum of three output files

  1. Applications Manager log file
  2. Banner log file
  3. Banner LIS file

You may get other files as well depending on the job you run. The format of your output file depends on the output generated. Generally speaking, most files are straight ASCII text files.

If I run the same job/module more than once, will I see a different set of output files?

Each run of a job/module produces its own unique set of output files. These output files are identified by an Applications Manager generated sequence number that is built into each output file.

Can I schedule a large job to run at an off peak time?

Absolutely so! You can schedule your job from the Requests window and enter the date and time in the Start Date and time fields.

To have your job run on a scheduled basis, submit a ticket with Banner Support to communicate with your security officer if you would like a job to be scheduled.

After I have uploaded my data file to the Applications Manager server using GWBLOAD and loaded the data into Banner, is there a way to do housecleaning?

Currently, there is no way to clean up files that have been loaded to the Applications Manager servers by you. There is an internal scheduled job to clean up files every 14 days.

Does Applications Manager affect my Banner processes?

Applications Manager does not directly affect your Banner processes. Consider these two separate applications. Applications Manager can be thought of an extension to Banner in that it runs your jobs just like the old GUAPCTL Banner form. There are cases where a Banner form calls an Applications Manager job directly (especially in Financial Aid).

I change parameters in the SGAPOPG form in BANNER. Do I have to set these parameters again in Applications Manager?

No. The module or chain that you run in Applications Manager will retrieve the values in the population selection that you set in SGAPOPG.

When I start Applications Manager I get a dialog box that says "The application's digital signature has an error. Do you want to run the application?" What does this mean?

You must check the Always trust content from this publisher check-box and choose Run.

The detailed answer (from Applications Manager)

When we built Applications Manager, the Java-based Applications Manager Client (and other Applications Manager Java code) is signed with a Java code-signing certificate which we renew annually. If you attempt to run a version of the Applications Manager Client that was signed with a certificate that has expired, you will receive this message. We renew the code-signing certificate every year, so the one we're currently using to sign the code is valid. We will renew it before it expires. That is why upgrading Applications Manager to a newer build would be another way (but not the recommended way) to resolve this problem. This isn't recommended because eventually, that certificate would expire too, and you would need to upgrade again to another, newer build made with a newer code-signing certificate.

Whether or not SSL is being used to encrypt the data is independent of this Java code-signing certificate.

  • If you check the Always trust... box, SSL will continue to function normally and all Applications Manager network traffic will still be encrypted.
  • The certificate that is expired does not affect the encryption of Applications Manager network traffic and it is not the same as an SSL Web Server Certificate, like the ones that allow users to make HTTPS connections to web servers for example.

The Java version on your PC matters because certain versions of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) have root certificates that have expired, so we have to try to rule this out as a cause.

In summary, we do renew our code-signing certificates and the one we are using to build at this time is current; you need to check the Always trust... box for Applications Manager programs; having a newer code-signing certificate will not have any effect on whether or not the data is encrypted; and the version of Java matters because some versions of Java have expired root certificates.



Article ID: 35545
Mon 8/21/17 12:46 PM
Fri 9/13/24 5:55 PM

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