Creating Child Tickets


Describes the steps in creating a child ticket for Tier 2 escalation.



Follow these steps to create a child support ticket for Tier 2 (or above) escalation. 

The process results in a child ticket that, by default, is not visible to the parent ticket's requestor or creator.  The intention is for the Tier 2 responsible group to provide support and then notify the Tier 1 (or lower) responsible group. By creating parent and child tickets, all the service fulfillment documentation is contained in a single ticket.


Creating child tickets workflow

The technician responsible for the source, or parent ticket, can follow these steps to create a supporting child ticket:

  1. Primary Responsible Group
    1. When a ticket is created, a Technician in the responsible group takes responsibility for the ticket.
    2. The responsible Technician copies the original ticket by selecting the Actions menu and choosing the Copy Service Request/Incident option. 
    3. Set the Requester field to the Tier 1 Technician (or another Tier 1 technician)
    4. Select the support form for the Tier 2 (or higher) group (you don’t have to select the same form as the original ticket).
    5. Elevate the parent ticket to a Release or a Problem by selecting Actions, then Edit Classifications
    6. Copy the ticket number
    7. In the child ticket, set the parent by selecting Actions, then Set Parent.​​​​​​ Enter the parent ticket number, and select the ticket.
  2. Tier 2+ Support Group
    1. Complete the service request
    2. Close the ticket, documenting the actions taken
    3. Ensure that the Notify Requestor checkbox is selected
  3. Primary Responsible Group
    1. Review the support group response by selecting the Children tab
    2. Take appropriate action
    3. Close the ticket
    4. Notify the customer

Step-by-step video

See the following video for a demonstration on how to create and view child tickets.



Article ID: 129266
Wed 3/3/21 12:58 PM
Thu 12/19/24 2:52 PM

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