SPSS Statistics/Amos: Installing and Authorizing


SPSS Statistics/Amos is a software package used for interactive, or batched, statistical analysis. Our campus-wide license allows the following affiliations to access SPSS:

  • Staff & Faculty: Install on UO-owned computers, as well as on personal computers. Authorize via the UO license server.
  • Students: Use on UO-owned computers (i.e. via the UO virtual computer lab), as well as on personal computers. Authorize via authorization code.

Downloading and Installing SPSS

  1. In a web browser, navigate to the UO Software Center.
  2. Click DuckID Login to login. At the Login Required page that appears, enter your Duck ID credentials to login.
  3. Your browser will be directed to the UO Software Center homepage. Before proceeding, ensure the operating system on which you are intending to install the software is selected from the You are using drop-down menu.
  4. From the list of software on the Software Center homepage (under the heading You have access to the following software ), choose SPSS Statistics or SPSS Amos whichever is the software you desire to install. 
  5. Not Seeing SPSS in the List? ​​​​​If you do not see the software listed you are trying to install, but feel you should have the correct affiliation to access the software, please submit a request to the Site-Licensed Software queue for assistance.
  6. Click the link to download the latest version appropriate for your operating system. The download should start automatically or your browser may ask you to Open or Save the file (if you use Microsoft Edge on Windows) – in the latter case, choose Save.
  7. You may also want to download the Authorization Instructions for Faculty/Staff or Students at this time — you will need these instructions after installing SPSS to license the software on your computer.
  8. Once the download is complete, launch the downloaded Application (Windows) or DMG file (macOS) to proceed with the installation.
  9. The installation wizard will load and start. Select Next to continue.
  10. As the end user, you will need to agree to the terms of the Software License Agreement in order to continue with the installation. An easy-to-read summary of the license terms is available on the UO's SPSS Software Center download page under Licensing and Restrictions . Choose the appropriate radio button to accept the terms of the license agreement, then click Next.
  11. If needed, you may choose to install Python as part of the SPSS installation. If you choose Yes, you will be asked to accept the Python and Python Essentials license agreements on the next two pages. Click Next.
  12. Confirm the location of the installation on your computer. For most users, the default location is adequate. Click Next.
  13. Click Install to begin the installation.
  14. Once the installation is complete, the installation wizard will allow you to start the SPSS License Authorization Wizard. Ensure the check box to run the wizard is checked and click Finish.
  15. To finish authorizing your SPSS installation, follow the Authorization Instructions available at UO Software Center under SPSS Statistics or SPSS Amos.

Additional Resources

If you run into any issues installing or authorizing SPSS, submit a service request via the Site-Licensed Software help portal.


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Article ID: 103472
Fri 3/27/20 3:17 PM
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