How to apply departmental folder permissions (for folder delegates) in Cognos Analytics 11


For authorized Cognos departmental folder delegates. The following guide walks through the process of creating sub-folders and granting permissions.



This article will provide instructions on how to apply departmental folder permissions (for folder delegates) in Cognos Analytics 11. 

The intended audience includes University of Oregon deans, department heads, or delegates, with authority to create and maintain folders and permissions within the IDR Cognos departmental folders.


Folder Structure

The departmental folders are located at the top level of team content within the Cognos portal. The IDR team will create the top-level folder for you. The sub-folder structure can then be created by you in a way that best supports your department.

Many departments create separate sub-folders for Student Reports, Finance Reports, and Report Development.

Top-level team content view

Create a Folder

Step 1: Navigate to the departmental folder and select the plus sign [a] and then Folder [b].

Team Content dialog box

Step 2: Enter the name for the new folder.

New Folder dialog box name field

Grant Permissions

Step 1: Navigate to the top-level departmental folder.

Step 2: Click the ellipsis (…) [a] and in the sub-menu select Properties [b].
Departmental folder view

Step 3: Click the Permissions [a] tab.

Step 4: Place a check in the box labeled Override parent permissions [b].

Step 5: If you want to grant the same permissions to child sub-folders then place a check in the box labeled Apply to all children [c].

Step 6: To add users, select the plus sign [d].

Folder permissions dialog box

Step 7: Select AD [a].

Step 8: Type a name in the search block [a] and press Enter on your keyboard to search;
Tip: Since the names in AD are listed as the full name, with Duck ID in parenthesis, a search by Duck ID may return better results.

Namespaces dialog box

Step 9: Select the name to add [a] and click Add at the bottom of the screen.

Namespaces dialog box


  • Read allows a user to access the folder but nothing else. Needed for allowing a user to access a subfolder without them being able to run reports in the parent folder.
  • Run allows access to run reports.
  • Write allows access to run reports as well as save reports.
  • Full allows access to create or delete folders, and the ability to set permissions for others. This permission level should be reserved for folder delegates only.

Step 10: Select the name you just added and grant Run, Write, or Full permissions. Once you are satisfied with the settings, click Apply [a].

Permissions dialog box

For a guide with images, please download the PDF file found under Files on the right of this page.



Article ID: 69865
Tue 1/8/19 5:26 PM
Fri 7/28/23 1:42 PM

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