Faculty & Staff Technology Purchasing


USS provides purchasing services to UO departments, programs, and institutes for the purpose of procuring computer and other IT equipment for use by their faculty, staff, & students.



User Support Services (USS) provides purchasing services to University of Oregon departments, programs, and institutes for the purpose of procuring computer and other IT equipment for use by their faculty, staff, and students.


USS technology purchasing requests are ordered through Duck Depot, the e-procurement site for the university. This site is designed to standardize computer systems purchasing to achieve significant savings to the university by leveraging volume buying discounts with qualified technology vendors. Purchase selection is limited to systems found in the USS Device and Hardware Standards, which outline the standard supported hardware models for end-user devices supported by USS.

Purchasing restrictions vary by department. See Department & Unit IT Support for for your respective department or unit's contact information. Those without departmental IT staff can Submit a General Help Ticket or contact the Technology Service Desk. Also reference the UO Acceptable Use of Computing Resources Policy.

A note on prices: Requests are quoted and departments are charged at the full educational price. Any subsidies to be applied to requests are applied to the full educational price. The full educational prices quoted are subject to change by vendors at any time.

Purchase Request Approval

Submitted purchase requests via the UO Service Portal require the following approvals of a Dashboard order form created prior to ordering.

  • For units supported by USS, requesters and unit business managers should confer with their User Support Services Associate Director per USS Device and Hardware Standards prior to submitting a request to purchase
  • For non-USS Information Services employees, orders are approved by the requester and IS Manager. In some cases, approval may also be required by the associate CIO for the requester's unit
  • New hire ordering is approved by the hiring manager, or designated director.

Approvals are obtained, and orders are processed by the USS Buyer utilizing the Dashboard site, managed by UO Drupal Hosting


All computers purchased via USS, or computers purchased with academic support accounts (ASAs), research, or departmental funds are owned by the university with the employee they are purchased for being the primary user. Computer ownership policy varies by department. If a university employee desires to retain ownership of a soon-to-be or recently replaced computer for work purposes, BAO policy and support limitations need to be considered, and consultation with your service team & department manager will be needed while the new computer purchase is in process.

Computers cannot be kept by the employee post severance with the university. The university cannot legally sell them to the individual when they leave the university. Upon retirement and/or severance, all computers and UO-owned devices must be returned to the university. If there are any questions regarding device ownership, please contact USS. Computers that are not returned post-retirement and/or severance may be treated as stolen and reported to the appropriate authorities. 

Devices that are purchased using UO funds are subject to the University Minimum Security Controls Standard.  This will include adhering to the Endpoint Management Standard.

Note: USS no longer facilitates the purchase of printers and printing supplies. This service is provided by the Fleet Copier and Managed Printer Program.

How to Submit a Request

To submit an order, please fill out a Faculty & Staff Purchase Request.



Article ID: 109108
Tue 6/2/20 5:20 PM
Wed 2/28/24 5:38 PM

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USS provides purchasing services to UO departments, programs, and institutes for the purpose of procuring computer and other IT equipment for use by their faculty, staff, & students.