UO Enterprise Reports


A listing of UO Enterprise Reports offered through the IDR-Cognos service.



Reports that have been developed to meet the UO Enterprise Reports Standard and are approved by the appropriate Data Steward, are considered Enterprise Reports.

A listing of UO Enterprise Reports offered through the IDR Cognos service.


Finance Reports

5 Year Trend Activity by Fund Displays a five year expense trend for each fund.
5 Year Trend Activity by Index Displays a five year expense trend for each index by account type.
5 Year Trend Budget by Fund Displays a five year budget trend for each fund.
5 Year Trend Budget by Index Displays a five year budget trend for each index by account type.
Base Budget to Proposed Budget Report Comparison report of Base Budget amounts and Proposed Budget amounts by FOAPAL elements with the variance (titled Cumm Change) calculated. This data is being pulled directly from Budget Development tool tables.
Budget Status Organization Drill-Through Displays the following for each organization and fund: carry forward, budget, YTD activity, current period activity, encumbrances, available balance and % available, for all funds by index or FOAP. Once the first page is displayed, the user can then drill through organization values to subordinate organizations until budget status is presented by index. Then drill through index values to budget status presented by account type. Then drill through budget, YTD, or current period activity values to the transaction details.
Budget Status Presents the following for each index or FOAPAL: carry forward, YTD budget, YTD activity, YTD committed, YTD balance, and current period activity, first by account, then by summary account level 2, then by summary account level 1.
Budget vs. Actual 4 Year Expense Comparison This report compares total expenditure budget to actual activity over a four year period for all fund types except for fund types 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35. The expenditure budget includes permanent budget, carry forward, and temporary budget. This report excludes level 1 account type 50 (revenue) for both the expenditure budget and actual activity.
Budget vs. Actual 4 Year Revenue Comparison This report compares total revenue budget to actual activity over a four year period for all fund types except for fund types 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35. The expenditure budget includes permanent and temporary budget. This report is providing level 1 account type 50 (revenue) data for both the revenue budget and actual activity.
Faculty Funding and Grants Displays all transactions for the fiscal year up through the selected fiscal period, grouped and totaled by index. The second page displays total inception-to-date grant activity.
Fixed Assets Report Displays Fixed Asset information for the University.  Can be run for Level 3, 4, or 5 organizations and included the ability to group by Org.
Fund Detail by Index Displays financial data about a given fund and period by organization (page without Index tab) and FOPA (page with Index tab), including YTD Budget, YTD Activity, YTD Committed, YTD Balance, Current Period Activity and Percent Available.
Fund Status Provides a short summary of fund status, ideal for organizations with some revenue driven funds.
Income and Expense All Funds For organizations with several revenue driven funds interested in seeing net income across all funding sources at a point in time.
Income Statement 3 Year Period over Period with YTD Presents an income statement (revenues, expenses and net income) for three years showing selected period activity first then YTD activity second. This report only includes activity, not commitments and encumbrances.
Income Statement All Funds by Organization Presents an income statement (revenues, expenses and net income) with each subordinate organization in its own column. This report only includes activity, not commitments and encumbrances. The budget for general, ICC and other budgeted funds are displayed as income. This income includes both permanent and temporary budget (no carry forward). The carry forward for general, ICC and other budgeted funds is included at the bottom of the report.
Income Statement Trailing 12 Month Trend Presents an income statement (revenues, expenses and net income) for the selected period and the prior 12 months. This report only includes activity, not commitments and encumbrances. The Total column represents a full years worth of activity. The budget for general, ICC and other budgeted funds, are displayed as income. This income includes both permanent and temporary budget (no carry forward). Carry forward is not included in this report.
Index Detail by Fund by Index For each organization this report displays by fund and index; YTD Budget, YTD Activity, YTD Committed, YTD Balance, Current Period activity and percent available for all funds by index.
Index Summary by Fund For each organization this report displays by fund and index; YTD Budget, YTD Activity, YTD Committed, YTD Balance, Current Period activity and percent available for all funds by index.
Labor Budget by Position This report replaces the pivot table BRP had to manually update every few hours during the budget season for units to see what positions/dollars were hitting their labor account codes in budget development from salary planner. This will allow units who may share a positions cost by LBD to see which units are posting budget dollars to their org and for what positions. ex. CAS has budget authority over position B98625, but splits the budgeted labor distribution between CAS and DSGN. DSGN can’t see this position in Salary Planner because they do not have budget authority over that position (based on budget org in NBAPBUD), so DSGN could run this report to see why their labor dollars in budget development do not match what they see in Salary Planner.
Operational Funds Reconciliation by Index This report will give you an overview of the index, showing budgeted amounts and year to date activity. It combines the following Banner reports: FWIBUDG, PWIFOAP and FGITRND.
Operational Funds Reconciliation for Index by Activity Code This report will give you an overview of the index with all activity codes, showing budgeted amounts and year to date activity. It combines the following Banner reports: FWIBUDG, PWIFOAP and FGITRND.
Service Center - Auxiliary Revenue and Expense This report shows revenue, expense, labor and transfer activity and the changes and percent change for each line for the current year to date compared to the prior year to date for the same ending period. It also shows the current period activity compared to the same period one year ago.
Startup Funding with Index Subtotals Level 5 Organizations (Departments) with Subtotals by Index.
Transaction Detail For each index or FOAPAL it presents detail about each transaction sorted by account.
Vendor Payments Lists invoices sorted by transaction date, invoice number and accounting sequence.

Grant Reports

Grant Transaction Certification Displays grant transactions for a specified time period. This report is intended to assist departmental grant administrators (DGAs) meet compliance requirements regarding PI approval of grant transactions.
Grant Budget Status Run report by entering Grant ID. Presents budget, activity, encumbrance, and percent remaining. A graph displays budget and activity.
Grants and Projects A current snapshot, giving a one line summary for all active grants grouped by Principal Investigator. A burn rate gauge shows the relative time of the project to the remaining funding, excluding encumbrances. If there is not a needle on the gauge the ratio is outside the range or there is not an end date and/or budget because this is pre-award setup.
Summary of Expenditures for Single Index This report displays revenue and expenditure transactions for one period from FIS and HRIS of a single index. The report is similar to Banner page FWISEPE. 

Chart of Accounts

UO Account Hierarchy This report lists all active Finance Information System (FIS) account codes and descriptions.  It includes account type level one and two codes and data-enterable indicator.
UO Activity Codes This report lists all active Finance Information System (FIS) activity codes and descriptions.
UO Fund Hierarchy This report lists all active Finance Information System (FIS) fund codes and descriptions. It includes fund type level one and two codes and data-enterable indicator.
UO Grants This report lists all grants including long title, organization, principal investigator (PI) ID and name, project start and end date, status, sponsor ID and termination date.
UO Indexes This report lists all indexes that include the selected fund, org, program and/or activity. It includes the index description and FOAPAL, and effective date.
UO Location Hierarchy This report lists all active Finance Information System (FIS) location codes and descriptions.
UO Organization Hierarchy This report lists all active subordinate Finance Information System (FIS) organization codes and descriptions (inactive as well if selected).
UO Program Hierarchy This report lists all active Finance Information System (FIS) program codes and descriptions.

HR Reports

Courtesy, Campus Associate, and Emerit Appointments Displays current appointment data for all Courtesy, Campus Associate, and Emerit appointments. Generates a planning document for units to use to review unpaid appointments for renewal or termination. Email address is included for sending renewal notices to courtesy appointees (recommended).
Employee Roster This report pulls information from both Employee Position and Position Definition. It then assigns employees to certain categories based upon a combination of Position E Class, Position, and Position Class.
Employee Roster Audit and Update Report This report is designed to verify employment records and identify necessary corrections, as needed.  It is provided as part of the HR Operations reports and data update processes.  

Instructional Pro Tem Positions with Budget

Provides a list of active instructional Pro Tem positions to assist in assessing use and potential reuse of current positions within the unit.  The list includes budget information, labor distribution, and relevant employment information for most recent incumbent.
Job Changes Job change reasons by date for organization and time period.
Leave Taken by FOAPA Displays employee leave information.
Payroll by FOAPA Pulls payroll information by individual, including sick and vacation leave. Includes an adjusted encumbrance calculation that takes average leave into account.
Payroll Expense by Person Displays employees paid by year, pay number and timesheet organization. Amounts are grouped by earnings code, hours and rate.
Sabbatical: 9 Month Career Eligibility The report presents sabbatical eligibility calculations for 9 month career faculty by department or individual faculty member.
Sabbatical: Law Eligibility The report presents sabbatical eligibility calculations for law faculty by department or individual faculty member.
Sabbatical: TTF Eligibility The report presents sabbatical eligibility calculations for tenure-track faculty by department or individual faculty member.
Salary and FTE by FOAPA The report provides employee salary and FTE actuals data from the payroll system, expressed in financial terms (Fund, Organization, Account, Program, Activity).
Faculty Appointment & Renewal Report Displays current appointment data for all faculty, and data needed to renew appointments for tenure-track and non-tenure track faculty expiring this academic year. Provides proposed appointment lengths for renewals, and data for notices of renewal/non-renewal of Career NTTF.
TTF Review: Mismatched & Missing Data Displays mismatched and missing data between HR and Department Records. Includes two reports: Missing Dept Review Data and Mismatched Dept Review Data.
TTF Review: Schedule by Review Type Displays completed and upcoming reviews for tenure-track and tenured faculty as entered in PWAREVW. Users may select reviews by academic year and/or review type. 
Vacant Positions by Employee Group & Org

Displays vacant position information by employee group or organization code.

Student Reports

Awarded Degrees Displays a list of graduates by department or major for a given level and term.
Class Attributes Displays class attribute information for the selected term and department.
Class Roster by CRN Displays a list of students enrolled in a specific CRN for a given term.
Class Roster by Subject Displays CRN-specific lists of students enrolled in a specific subject for a given term.  Lists are ordered by CRN.
Class Schedules by College Displays class schedule and associated information by CRN for all departments within a specified college, for a given term.
Class Schedules by Department Displays class schedule and associated information by CRN within a department for a given term.
Commencement List Displays a list of students by department who have applied to graduate or have graduated for a given term, along with mailing or permanent address. Can be used to find a list of students who may be attending commencement.
Course Enrollment Stats by Department Displays detailed enrollment statistics by CRN within a department for a given term.
Course Summary by Department Displays enrollment, primary instructor and fees by CRN within a department for a given term.
Grade Distributions Displays counts and percentages of grades recorded in CRNs within a department for a given term.
Graduate Majors Displays a list of students who have the selected department or major in the selected term.
Graduate Student Grade Report Displays a list of courses for which a graduate student has registered (current term) or has taken (past term). The Cumulative GPA reflects graduate courses taken through the previous term at the time the report is run. The Term GPA is for graduate courses taken during the selected term.
Late Adds - Graduation Application Displays a list of undergraduate students who have applied for graduation for the selected term, filtered by a graduation application date.
Latin Honors Displays a list of Latin Honor recipients for a given college or major for the selected term(s).
Major Advisor Displays a list of students along with advisor(s) for a given department or major(s) in the selected term.
Students not Registered Displays a list of students who were registered in a given term but not in a subsequent term, filtered by student level and major or department.
Undergraduate Majors Displays a list of students who have the selected major(s) in the selected term.
Undergraduate Majors with GPA Displays a list of students who have the selected major(s) for the selected term.

This report is the same as the Undergraduate Majors report but with Cumulative GPA and Term GPA added. Sensitive Student and Academic History security access is required to run this report.


Undergraduate Minors Displays a list of students who have the selected minor in the selected term.
Undergraduate Minors with GPA Displays a list of students who have the selected minor in the selected term with Cumulative GPA and Term GPA. Sensitive Student and Academic History security access is required to run this report.
Unofficial Transcript Displays a list of all UO and transfer courses taken by a student, along with credits and grades.
Class Roster Displays class rosters of enrolled students for a given subject and term. 
Class Roster with Grades Displays class rosters of enrolled students for a given subject and term with final grades. 
Student Data Presents student data, replacing many common Student Data Warehouse queries. 
Student Data with GPA Presents student data, replacing many common Student Data Warehouse queries. Includes GPAs, computed for courses matching the student level.
Test Scores Displays test scores, such as SAT, ACT and UO Math, for selected students.



Article ID: 74119
Tue 3/19/19 5:03 PM
Fri 11/8/24 12:11 PM

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