Blocking an Email Address


Blocking individual email addresses or domains from sending you mail.



This article contains instructions for how to block email addresses sending spam email to your account.


  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your full email and password.
  3. In the top right corner, click on the gear icon ⚙ (settings).
  4. Find and click View all Outlook settings.
  5. Go to Junk email from the navigation bar.
  6. Under Blocked senders and domains click +Add.
  7. Type in either the full email address or just the domain of the sender to block all emails from that domain.
  8. Press the Enter key to submit the email address or domain to block.
    • You can edit the email address or domain at any time by clicking on the pencil icon.
    • You can delete an email address or domain by clicking the trash can icon.
  9. Click the Save button at the top to save your changes.
  10. Click the X to exit back to your mailbox.


  1. Determine the actual sender address of the message:
    1. View the full email headers, or
    2. Find the phrase Return-Path: in front of the email address you want. (That email address may be different than the "From:" email address.)
  2.  Go to
  3. Log in using your full UO email address ( and your Duck ID password
    • You will be prompted to complete the two-step login process before you can access Proofpoint.
  4. In the bottom left corner, click on the Lists tab.
  5. From the same column, click Blocked Senders List.
  6. Once this is highlighted, click the New button that is directly to the right of the University of Oregon logo in the top right corner of the page.
  7. From here you have two options:
    • If you are receiving spam emails from only one address (, for example) then you should enter this whole email address (the one you found in step 1 above). The system will now automatically block any email messages from this person.
    • If you are receiving spam emails from multiple addresses that all end with the same domain — and, for example — you should enter "". This will now block all email messages coming from anyone whose email is through
  8. Once you have entered the address or domain, click the Save button and log out.



Article ID: 53907
Tue 5/15/18 1:59 PM
Thu 11/21/24 3:51 PM

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