This article contains instructions for how to block email addresses sending spam email to your account.
- Go to
- Log in with your full email and password.
- In the top right corner, click on the gear icon ⚙ (settings).
- Find and click View all Outlook settings.
- Go to Junk email from the navigation bar.
- Under Blocked senders and domains click +Add.
- Type in either the full email address or just the domain of the sender to block all emails from that domain.
- Press the Enter key to submit the email address or domain to block.
- You can edit the email address or domain at any time by clicking on the pencil icon.
- You can delete an email address or domain by clicking the trash can icon.
- Click the Save button at the top to save your changes.
- Click the X to exit back to your mailbox.
- Determine the actual sender address of the message:
- View the full email headers, or
- Find the phrase Return-Path: in front of the email address you want. (That email address may be different than the "From:" email address.)
- Go to
- Log in using your full UO email address ( and your Duck ID password
- You will be prompted to complete the two-step login process before you can access Proofpoint.
- In the bottom left corner, click on the Lists tab.
- From the same column, click Blocked Senders List.
- Once this is highlighted, click the New button that is directly to the right of the University of Oregon logo in the top right corner of the page.
- From here you have two options:
- If you are receiving spam emails from only one address (, for example) then you should enter this whole email address (the one you found in step 1 above). The system will now automatically block any email messages from this person.
- If you are receiving spam emails from multiple addresses that all end with the same domain — and, for example — you should enter "". This will now block all email messages coming from anyone whose email is through
- Once you have entered the address or domain, click the Save button and log out.