This training is intended for UO employees who wish to contribute to university knowledge creation by designing and developing reports with greater complexity, or to work on enterprise level reports.
- You must have a Cognos report writer license so that you can sign into Cognos and edit reports.
- Completion of both Cognos Report trainings:
- IDR Cognos Report User
- IDR Cognos Report Writer
- Report writing requires some baseline knowledge this training is not intended to provide. Prior to taking this training class, a trainee must possess:
- Knowledge of Cognos report writing concepts;
- Superior understanding of database terminology and concepts, data structures and entity relationship diagrams;
- Superior understanding of Ellucian Banner data;
- Solid understanding of trainee’s department’s data and business processes;
Table of Contents
The following are a list of important operators and functions available in Cognos. This list is not complete, and additional usage information may be found in the IBM knowledge center site, or IBM’s Cognos Analytics user guide available online.
Identifies the beginning of an expression.
Identifies the end of an expression.
Multiplies two numeric values.
Divides two numeric values.
Concatenates, or joins, strings.
Adds two numeric values.
Subtracts two numeric values or negates a numeric value.
Compares the values that are represented by "value1" against "value2" and retrieves the values that are less than "value2".
Compares the values that are represented by "value1" against "value2" and retrieves the values that are less than or equal to "value2".
Compares the values that are represented by "value1" against "value2" and retrieves the values that are not equal to "value2".
Compares the values that are represented by "value1" against "value2" and retrieves the values that are equal to "value2".
Compares the values that are represented by "value1" against "value2" and retrieves the values that are greater than "value2".
Compares the values that are represented by "value1" against "value2" and retrieves the values that are greater than or equal to "value2".
Returns "true" if the conditions on both sides of the expression are true.
Determines if a value falls in a given range.
Works with when, then, else, and end. Case identifies the beginning of a specific situation, in which when, then, and else actions are defined.
Determines if "string1" contains "string2".
A keyword used in an aggregate expression to include only distinct occurrences of values. See also the function unique.
Works with if or case constructs. If the if condition or the case expression are not true, then the else expression is used.
Indicates the end of a case or when construct.
ends with
Determines if "string1" ends with "string2".
Works with then and else constructs. If defines a condition; when the if condition is true, the then expression is used. When the if condition is not true, the else expression is used.
Determines if "expression1" exists in a given list of expressions.
is missing
Determines if "value" is undefined in the data.
Determines if "string1" matches the pattern of "string2", with the character "char" optionally used to escape characters in the pattern string.
Finds and replaces data with a value you specify. It is preferable to use the case construct.
Returns TRUE if "argument" is false or returns FALSE if "argument" is true.
Returns TRUE if either of "argument1" or "argument2" are true.
starts with
Determines if "string1" starts with "string2".
Works with if or case constructs. When the if condition or the when expression are true, the then expression is used.
Works with the case construct. You can define conditions to occur when the WHEN expression is true.
Returns the averagevalue of selected data items. Distinct is an alternative expression that is compatible with earlier versions of the product.
Returns the number of selected data items excluding null values. Distinct is an alternative expression that is compatible with earlier versions of the product. All is supported in DQM mode only and it avoids the presumption of double counting a data item of a dimension table.
Returns the maximum value of selected data items. Distinct is an alternative expression that is compatible with earlier versions of the product.
Returns the median value of selected data items.
Returns the minimum value of selected data items. Distinct is an alternative expression that is compatible with earlier versions of the product.
Returns the percent of the total value for selected data items. The "<for-option>" defines the scope of the function. The "at" option defines the level of aggregation and can be used only in the context of relational datasources.
Returns the rank value of selected data items. The sort order is optional; descending order (DESC) is assumed by default. If two or more rows tie, then there is a gap in the sequence of ranked values (also known as Olympic ranking). The "<for-option>" defines the scope of the function. The "at" option defines the level of aggregation and can be used only in the context of relational datasources. Distinct is an alternative expression that is compatible with earlier versions of the product. Null values are ranked last.
Returns the standard deviation of selected data items.
Returns the total value of selected data items. Distinct is an alternative expression that is compatible with earlier versions of the product.
Returns the variance of selected data items.
Returns "numeric_expression" rounded to "integer_expression" decimal places. Notes: "integer_expression" must be a non-negative integer. Rounding takes place before data formatting is applied.
Returns the absolute value of "numeric_expression". Negative values are returned as positive values.
Converts "expression" to a specified data type. Some data types allow for a length and precision to be specified. Make sure that the target is of the appropriate type and size. The following can be used for "datatype_specification": character, varchar, char, numeric, decimal, integer, bigint, smallint, real, float, date, time, timestamp, time with time zone, timestamp with time zone, and interval. When type casting to an interval type, one of the following interval qualifiers must be specified: year, month, or year to month for the year-to-month interval datatype; day, hour, minute, second, day to hour, day to minute, day to second, hour to minute, hour to second, or minute to second for the day-to-second interval datatype. Notes: When you convert a value of type timestamp to type date, the time portion of the timestamp value is ignored. When you convert a value of type timestamp to type 46 IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.0: Data Modeling Guide time, the date portion of the timestamp is ignored. When you convert a value of type date to type timestamp, the time components of the timestamp are set to zero. When you convert a value of type time to type timestamp, the date component is set to the current system date. It is invalid to convert one interval datatype to the other (for instance because the number of days in a month is variable). Note that you can specify the number of digits for the leading qualifier only, i.e. YEAR(4) TO MONTH, DAY(5). Errors will be reported if the target type and size are not compatible with the source type and size.
Returns the number of logical characters in "string_expression". The number of logical characters can be distinct from the number of bytes in some East Asian locales.
Returns the first non-null argument (or null if all arguments are null). Requires two or more arguments in "expression_list".
Returns "string_expression" with all uppercase characters shifted to lowercase.
Returns the remainder (modulus) of "integer_expression1" divided by "integer_expression2". "Integer_expression2" must not be zero or an exception condition is raised.
Returns null if "expression1" equals "expression2", otherwise returns "expression1".
Returns the integer value representing the starting position of "string_expression1" in "string_expression2" or 0 when the "string_expression1" is not found.
Returns "numeric_expression1" raised to the power "numeric_expression2". If "numeric_expression1" is negative, then "numeric_expression2" must result in an integer value.
Returns the square root of "numeric_expression". "Numeric_expression" must be non-negative.
Returns the substring of "string_expression" that starts at position "integer_expression1" for "integer_expression2" characters or to the end of "string_expression" if "integer_expression2" is omitted. The first character in "string_expression" is at position 1.
Returns "string_expression" trimmed of leading and trailing blanks or trimmed of a certain character specified in "match_character_expression". "Both" is implicit when the first argument is not stated and blank is implicit when the second argument is not stated.
Returns "string_expression" with all lowercase characters converted to uppercase.
Returns the date or datetime, depending on the format of "date_expression", that results from adding "integer_expression" days to "date_expression".
Adds "integer_expression" months to "date_expression". If the resulting month has fewer days than the day of month component, then the last day of the resulting month is returned. In all other cases the returned value has the same day of month component as "date_expression".
Adds "integer_expression" years to "date_expression". If the "date_expression" is February 29 and resulting year is non leap year, then the resulting day is set to February 28. In all other cases the returned value has the same day and month as "date_expression".
Returns a number that is obtained from subtracting "date_expression" from today's date. The returned value has the form YYYYMMDD, where YYYY represents the number of years, MM represents the number of months, and DD represents the number of days.
Returns the day of week (1 to 7), where 1 is the first day of the week as indicated by the second parameter (1 to 7, 1 being Monday and 7 being Sunday). Note that in ISO 8601 standard, a week begins with Monday being day 1.
Returns the day of year (1 to 366) in "date_ expression". Also known as Julian day.
Returns a positive or negative number representing the number of days between "date_expression1" and "date_expression2". If "date_expression1" < "date_expression2", then the result will be a negative number.
Returns a number representing the number of days remaining in the month represented by "date_expression".
Returns the end of today as a timestamp.
Returns a date or datetime, depending on the argument, by converting "date_expression" to a date with the same year and month but with the day set to 1.
Returns a date or datetime, depending on the argument, that is the last day of the month represented by "date_expression".
Returns the value of the month field in a date expression.
Returns the value of the year field in a date expression.
Returns a date value representing the current date of the computer that the database software runs on.
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