Setting an Email Signature in Microsoft Outlook


This article will provide information about how to find and enter a signature file in Microsoft Outlook. It will also help you find the UO Communications signature file page and template.



An email signature is a small piece of text, sometimes with an image, that helps you communicate key details about yourself at the end of an email.

To create an email signature that consistently appears in each new email, follow these steps below.


  1. Go to UO Communications' email signature page
  2. Highlight the email signature sample at the bottom of the page, then click Control (or Command)+C to copy the signature sample.
  3. Go to Settings in UOmail. The Settings icon is the gear in the upper-right corner of your UOmail screen.
  4. Click +New signature.
  5. In Search Settings on the left, type Signature. Press Enter.
  6. In the Signature box, press Control (or Command)+V to paste the UO email signature template.
  7. Edit the email signature to add your work contact information.
  8. Click Save at the bottom of the screen.



Article ID: 140626
Wed 10/4/23 4:55 PM
Thu 12/19/24 4:57 PM

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