DuckDocs (OnBase) Web Client Error: Another session is currently active


Details a workaround for an error that appears when attempting to navigate to the DuckDocs Web Client in multiple browsing tabs.



This document details a workaround for an error that appears when attempting to navigate to the DuckDocs (OnBase) Web Client in multiple browsing tabs. The error states: "User Interaction Required - Another session is currently active. Close this session and continue using the active session."

Pop-up that appears stating User Interaction Required - Another session is currently active

This error appears due to users of the DuckDocs (OnBase) web client being allowed to have only one open "session" of the web application at a time. If a second tab is opened to DuckDocs, this error can occur even if the previous tab has been closed as the user is still authenticated in the application.

See the strategies for resolution below.

Table of Contents

Closing (and reopening) your web browser

The simplest way to resolve this is by closing your browser completely (including all open tabs). Once you reopen your favorite browser, you should be able navigate to and log into DuckDocs without issue.

Using a different browser

If you do not want to close all open browser windows, you could also open DuckDocs in a different browser.

Using privacy mode

Privacy mode (or "incognito mode") uses a separate browsing cache from normal browsing mode. It is a best practice to open business applications that allow access to sensitive information in an private browser session and close the browser when the need for access to that application is complete.



Article ID: 140614
Wed 9/13/23 12:58 PM
Tue 4/2/24 1:37 PM

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