Archiving a knowledge base article


How to archive an article within the UO Service Portal.



This article is intended to guide IT employees with the access to create and edit articles through the process of archiving a knowledge base article when needed.

Note: This should only be used when an article no longer has utility in the service portal. This can include a software application's end-of-life support or using a different solution for an existing service. If you have any additional questions, submit a ticket on the Knowledge Management Support service page.


Please Note: If you happen to have an article that will be replacing the one you wish to archive, be sure to have the article's title available for reference.

Go to the article that you wish to archive, then select the Edit Article button.

Select Edit Article from the reader view

Then go to the Settings tab.

Select the Settings tab from the editor view.

Change the article's Category field to Archive. This will pull the article out of the public knowledge base.

Type-in Archive in the Category field

From there, go to the Status drop-down menu and select Archived.

Select the Archived status from the Status drop-down menu

This will reveal a new field labeled Replacement Article. Enter in the name of an article you wish to use. This will redirect customers with the old link to the desired article. 

Type in an article title in the Replacement Article field.

Once the above steps have been done, select Save to complete the process.

Select Save to complete the archival.

Once saved, select the Related Services tab and remove any service associated with the article. This will remove the cross-reference between the article and the corresponding service offering page.

The article will go into the Archive category which is visible only to service portal administrators and will no longer be seen in customer search results.

The article's status and replacement article link within the reader view.

Additional assistance

For any questions or additional assistance about this process, please refer to the Knowledge Base Articles category or submit a ticket on the Knowledge Management Support service page.



Article ID: 140390
Mon 1/10/22 2:35 PM
Tue 2/4/25 5:32 PM