Zoom: Using Breakout Rooms


Learn how to use and manage Zoom Video Breakout Rooms.



Learn how to use and manage Zoom video breakout rooms, which allow you to split your main meeting into submeetings for discussions, projects, or activities.


Watch a brief video of these instructions from Zoom: Zoom Video Breakout Rooms (2:48)

First, adjust your settings to allow breakout rooms:

  1. Go to https://uoregon.zoom.us/, click Sign in, and log in with your Duck ID and password
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click In Meeting (Advanced)
  4. Click the slider to the right of Breakout room

The next time you host a Zoom meeting, a new icon will appear on the bottom right corner of the screen.

  1. Assign the number of rooms you'd like to create from the main meeting.
  2. You can click Automatically to have Zoom assign the individuals randomly, click Manually to assign them yourself, or Allow participants to choose their own rooms.
  3. Click Create Breakout Rooms.
  4. For each breakout room, click Assign next to the breakout room, check that the participants are correct, then click Assign again.
  5. Repeat step 8 for all of the breakout rooms you've created.
  6. When you're ready, click Open All Rooms and the participants will automatically be placed into their corresponding breakout room.
  7. Participants can leave the breakout room at any time and will be placed back into the main meeting.
  8. As the host, you can provide updates and assistance to breakout room participants in several ways:
    1. Click Join on any of the breakout rooms to join
    2. Chat with All Breakout Rooms or with individual rooms
  9. To return participants to the main meeting, click Close All Rooms and participants will have 60 seconds before automatically connecting back to the main meeting.
  10. Open the breakout rooms menu again to recreate the same breakout rooms or to create new assignments.

To request help, submit a ticket via the Zoom Support service.



Article ID: 101393
Sun 3/15/20 11:08 PM
Sun 10/27/24 11:00 AM

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