Service Description
Psychology IT provides technology purchasing services for all Psychology faculty and staff, including (but not limited to):
- Windows Computers and Accessories*
- Apple Computers and Accessories*
- Research Equipment and Systems
- Software Purchase
- Other Peripheral/Accessories
- Other
* Please use Duck Depot ( for faster service , if ordering Apple equipment please add AppleCare.
During the checkout or punchout process please assign the cart to either Spencer Bellerby oy Bill Troyer and include the index to be used.
How to Create a Ticket
To submit a purchase request select Submit Purchase Request (upper right corner) and provide the following required information:
- Type of request (hardware, software, peripheral/accessories, other)
- A detailed description of your request
- Cost Index
- Attach any vendor quotes or supporting documentation related to the request.
- Agree to Purchase Terms of Agreement
Availability and Access
Psychology Employees (Faculty and Staff)
Purchase Terms of Agreement
I certify that the requested purchase will be utilized in the performance of my official duties at the University of Oregon and agree to abide by all UO and department purchasing rules and policies (see article USS Technology Purchasing).
For assistance with Technology purchases, please call x6-4982 or x6-4901
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